Page 70 of A Deviant Queen


LIAM:I have to cancel tonight. Something came up at work.

MILA:Don’t forget to get shot.

LIAM:Ouch, that mad?

MILA:You fucking wish.

Bastian only lives a few miles from the bureau, so it doesn’t take me long to arrive. Ignoring the receptionist calling out to me, I go straight to Bastian’s floor and let myself inside his condo.

Freshly made coffee permeates the air. Changing my direction from the living room to the kitchen. I pick up my pace when I hear a familiar laugh. And storm in on Bastian and Mila.

Mila’s eyes meet mine the second I enter the room. My jaw clenches to the point that if I add any more pressure, my teeth will shatter.

Bastian stands flush against Mila, comfortably resting between her legs while she casually sits on the counter.

“Do what I said, and you can find out,” I hear Bastian say before kissing her neck.

“Well, at least you’re doing this shit in your own house this time.”

Bastian stiffens before he turns to face me. I smirk, feeling perfectly fine about pissing on his parade again.

“If I didn’t know better,” he growls. “I’d say you were stalking us. I’m a little busy, in case you didn’t notice, asshole. And I think I need that spare key back.”

Oh, I fucking noticed, cocksucker.

“We have a mission tonight, and I need you there. Couldn’t find you at the bureau, and Deavers said you were sick.” I wave my hand at the proof of his lie.

A coldness I’m not used to seeing in Bastian settles on his face. After the way he spoke to Mila yesterday and finding her alone with him now after she pawed at my dick last night, I need my woman away from whatever the fuck is going on with him. One wrong move would make my reason for being here go to shit.

Yet here I am, ready to rip Bastian’s head off his shoulders and place it on the table then bend Mila over and fuck his touch out of her body.

“Whatever it is, get Jagger to do it,” Bastian says. A big smile stretches across his face, and I feel his dig coming. “Daddy is sick, and he needs his medicine.”

Mila’s head snaps up, and her eyes go wide. Red blotches gather on her cheeks while biting down on her lower lip, holding back laughter.

I cannot believe the idiot just said that. No wonder he doesn’t get pussy and is hard up for the one I want.

Jesus Christ.

I chuckle, rubbing a hand down my face and trying to process what just happened. Mila, no longer able to hold back, explodes in an intoxicating belly laugh. Bastian's brows furrow in confusion; he has no idea why we’re laughing, but he’s sure it’s at his expense.

Glancing outside, I noticed the sun is setting, Deavers texted me the time and location of the shipment when I was on my way here, and I need to get shit moving. I’m running out of time.

“It involves the Olins,” I sigh. “I need you, Bass.”

Sympathy flashes in his eyes before he turns to face Mila again.

She avoids eye contact with me.

“Welcome back,” she says to him. He chuckles lightly in response.

Bastian wraps his arms around Mila’s curvy waist and leans into her. “I’m sorry, baby. I have to be in on this one.”

I bite back the scoff that’s bubbling up my throat. Not wanting to watch this anymore, I turn to leave the kitchen.

“I’ll give you a minute, but we need to get going soon. Hate to say it,” I turn once more and see them both staring at me. “But Daddy won’t be getting his medicine tonight.”