Page 21 of A Deviant Queen


“Bastian,” I repeat with a purr, taking the collar of his shirt between my fingers and fiddling with the material.

I’m met with lust-filled eyes when I sweep my gaze back to his. He pulls in an unsteady breath before shifting his weight and back to his show.

“Allow me the pleasure of getting to know you too.”

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and give him the impression I’m holding back a shy smile, soaking in the gratification of watching him eat up every piece of kibble I’m feeding him. I take his drink from his hand and stir it before taking the straw to my mouth and suckling slowly.

“I will tell you anything you want to know, gorgeous,” I say after finishing off his beverage.

Looking at him through my eyelashes, I give him the best fuck-me eyes I can without making him blow his load in his pants and run for the door.

I place the empty glass on the counter and step as close as possible to him. I don’t miss the fact that Brenner also gets closer to his friend. Whether it’s the suppressed caveman gene coming to play out of a hurt ego, or he doesn’t believe any of this is real. I can’t tell.

I rise on my tiptoes and brush my lips against Collins’s ear. “Anything,” I whisper, smiling when I pull back and see the shudder run through his body.

Collins leans against the bar, laying his arm out as if he wants to wrap it around me when movement behind him snags our attention. A loud giggle has me groaning with annoyance.

What the fuck is this shit?

A petite blonde stands in front of Brenner twirling her hair between her fingers and silently begging him to fuck her on the bar. Her itty-bitty titties desperately scream “objects may appear larger” in their straining push-up bra. I understand why I am here, playing the role of the doe-eyed admirer, and I know it doesn’t make me much better than this cunt. But I’m doing this because it’s expected of me, and she’s just fucking desperate and sad.

She isn’t bad looking with deep brown eyes, long golden blonde hair pinned up to show off her long neck, and a toned body. But there’s nothing to give her much of a feminine curve. She’s wearing a tight little black dress, almost short enough to show everyone her pussy if she leans the right way.

I’m not much on modesty and class. I’m far from it. There isn’t a time I won’t show my naked assets to anybody, but even I have my limits. I'd just rip off my dress if I wanted to tease someone with my pussy. No reason to play hide-and-seek when you can go balls to the wall. Or would it be pussy to the wall in this case?

Anyway, if you’re going to be a whore, at least bat at a professional level. I giggle at the pathetic performance in front of me. My body's warmth suddenly congregates in my core when a pair of annoyed icy blues meet mine. What would it be like to look down at that desire-blown glare while he eats my pussy like it would be a fucking dream for his last meal? The wicked things I bet he could do with that tongue.


Brenner gives me a cocky smirk, obviously thinking he is about to one-up me on the busting balls game. I couldn’t give two shits who he fucks, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to be dicked down by him either.

I keep my face neutral as I shift my attention back to Collins; he eyes me skeptically when our gazes lock, which tells me that he has not only insecurity within himself but with his so-called best friend.

“You’re so shy, and it’s refreshing.” I smile. “I’m used to pigs approaching me… I’ve never really had to approach anyone myself.”

Brenner whips around at my indirect slap and narrows his eyes on me. “Did you just call me a fucking pig?”

It takes a lot to bite down comparing his profession and behavior to the same animal. So, I just let myself giggle at the thought; that only serves to piss him off more.

“Did you have something else that fits better? Asshat. Arrogant fuck. Pervert, perhaps.”

I smirk and step in closer. I’m all too aware of how Brenner’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows and of Collins flanking my side.

“Stop me anytime.”

He holds my gaze in a challenge, ready to turn this into an argument if need be. It might take him a few days to lick the wounds I cut wide open with my rejection. What a twat, an intriguing one, but a twat all the same.

Brenner bends down and brings his face close to mine, mirroring my cocky smirk with his own. “Real fucking cute.”

“I told you I’m anything but cute.” His eyes shift from mine to my lips, then back again before Donovan’s voice breaks through my earpiece. I break the petty-as-fuck staring contest we’re having. I was doing fine tuning out Breckin and Hazel, but once a different voice boomed in my ear, I was brought back to focus.

“Time to get out, Mal. Get his number, and let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Brenner beams at me as if he has won some sort of prize. Hussy behind him flicks her gaze between us, pissed he turned his back on her and gave me his attention, and Collins watches us interact with suspicion. The people in my ear and in my presence deserve a knee to the balls… or cunt.

I’m trying to think of how I can get this bullshit back on my side when Brenner gives me an out and turns back to his conquest. With that, I turn awkwardly towards Bastian and give him a sad smile.