Page 10 of A Deviant Queen

ISTORMDOWNTHE hall, trusting my feet to carry me anywhere that’s not here. My mind and body shake with anger. When I hear footsteps running towards me from behind, the thought of sending a bullet through her brain tempts me, and I reluctantly push it aside.

“Mal, wait!”

I stop and take a few deep breaths while Hazel catches up to me. I turn to see her bright red hair mussed, cheeks flushed, and eyes hazed. No doubt in my mind, her heavy breathing was more from having just been plowed by my brother than from running.

“We start the mission tonight. Oren called, and he overheard Brenner and Collins talking about going to The Emerald tonight.”

“I’ll be ready.”

“Okay, but put away the attitude, Malia.”

Hazel has balls, I’ll give her that. Maybe us growing up together gave her a false sense of security.

“Donovan did that to get a rise out of him. I tried to tell Breck first, but they called us in for a meeting before I had the chance.”

“I’ll keep an eye on them both. Donnie just doesn’t approve of you and Breckin. You’re his sister, and he’s his best friend, and he thinks he’s protecting you both from each other.”

I raise an eyebrow at Hazel. The only thing I’m hearing from this is my brother doesn’t approve and thinks real feelings are involved.

“I don’t need protecting, Hazel. If he’s worried that we’ll damage each other, he’s reading this all wrong. I don’t give a fuck about Breckin Reynolds. He has a delicious giant cock that hits the right place when I need it to. The man attached to said dick isn’t worth the stress.”

“We both know you don’t do feelings, but you were protecting him for a reason. That doesn’t come from just good dick.”

“It comes from sparing my dad the pain of losing someone else in his life. That’s it. Drop the subject unless you’d like me to gut Breckin in front of you to prove otherwise,” I say, my voice cold.

Hazel’s eyes widen. She knows I’d go through with it. I’m positive her intention was to rile me up to see if I’d developed feelings for Breckin.

She doesn’t know how much this mission is affecting me before we even got started, or about the conversation I stumbled upon last night.

All she sees is a battle of who has the biggest dick in the room and who will swing it first.

“You can’t stop people who love you from wanting to keep you safe. Breckin always blows his top over these types of missions with you.”

If it involves seduction or another man or woman in a mission, he does blow a gasket. But I’ve never been tasked to go as far as fuck my way into someone’s deepest darkest secrets. I scoff before allowing defeat to wash over me. I’m too exhausted to deal with this bullshit any longer tonight.

“I’ll talk with him and reiterate that nothing is going to happen between us. Not that I haven’t been honest the last ten fucking years.”

“But you kept giving that good-good anyway, hussy. And your secret is out.”

“What the fuck are you on about?”

“Girl, your dad isn’t stupid. If he didn’t know about the two of you before, he sure as fuck knows now. He’s going to shut that shit down. They love you, Mal. Breckin does too.”

“I know, but I don’t love him. I could never love a man who looks at me and sees a meek and helpless woman who needs to be protected.”

Once upon a time, I did try to love. No, I didn’t try. That slimy cunt snuck up on me and made me feel things I didn’t know I wanted. The betrayal, the pain, and the heartache were some of the worst things I’ve experienced. They outweighed every ounce of good that came from those three years. All from love.

Love is weak.

Love is pain.

Love is a fucking curse.

I never wanted to feel those emotions again. Caine Byrne was only a tiny steppingstone in the dark, cold road that made me who I am today. A fraction of what woke the psychopath I now embrace.

After getting ready to put this mission into action, I stand in front of the mirror. I want to make sure not a single hair is out of place, and my makeup is perfect. I smirk, running my hands down my sides, happy with how the skintight dress hugs my curves. My tits nearly spill out of my top, providing enough of a distraction. Long, toned legs lead to high stiletto heels, making my ass pop just right. I don’t feel any shame about my self-esteem. Thinking highly of myself and my looks makes me good at what I do. Reeling men in is my favorite game; it’s the required sex I don’t like.

I take one last spin in the mirror, looking from every angle, finally satisfied with my look. I went with a green dress to accentuate my eyes, not that anyone will pay attention to anything other than my tits and ass.