Page 47 of Restless Omega

Oliver smiles sadly. “I know. You're always fine because you're awesome. But that's not going to stop us from worrying."

"There's nothing any of you can do. I'll figure it out." I know exactly what I have to do.

I just need to shake off this lethargic hopelessness weighing me down and get to work.

His gaze searches mine for a moment as he walks with me deeper into the library towards my table. “You have a plan."

I nod. “The start of one. I have people I have to reach out to today to see if it's plausible."

"Care to fill me in?"

I eye him, unsure.

His smile fades, sadness darkening his expression. I'm not sure why the hell guilt stabs my chest. We aren't friends, we barely know each other.

I sigh. “I’m going to try to get out of the country."

His brows raise and his eyes widen. “What?"


"You think you can?" Oliver asks.

I set the bag on the table and start unloading it, shoving the stack of books I left here to the side. “I don't know. It depends on what I hear back from the emails I'm about to send out."

The sadness continues clinging to him even though he tries to hide it. ”I see. Well, I'll let you get on that. No offense, but I plan to peek in on you a lot today. I'm worried people will be pricks about the information that's out."

I snort, thinking about my door. “Too late for that."

He freezes, eyes narrowing. “What? Why? What happened?"

I wave him off, not wanting to get into it. “Nothing. But word has definitely spread. I'd hoped most people here wouldn't realize it was me they're talking about in the news."

Oliver grimaces. “Afraid not. But if anyone gets too ugly, the mayor will shut it down, so let me know."

"Yeah, she seemed pretty understanding for an alpha."

He smiles with a nod. “She is. And she tries to lead accordingly, but there's always going to be assholes."

I scoff. “Can't argue with you there."

This is still a better place than most. If this had come out back home, I'm not sure I'd survive the week. And that's without my mother's reaction. My mother doesn't handle wayward omegas very well. We're expected to fall in line with perfect obedience or we'd pay. The mayor alpha here is so very different. And so is her son.

But I still need to get the hell out of this country.

I continue setting up at my usual table, though I ignore the shelves of books surrounding me, focused solely on my computer as I send message after message, even leaving traceless questions on private message boards. Once I'm finished wringing out every contact and calling in every favor I'm owed, I sit back with a sigh, hands threaded behind my head as I stare at the screen of my computer, willing it to chime with responses.

But it stays silent.

Mocking me.

I haven't heard from my father yet either, letting me know how things are going back home. I hope my mother hasn't put him on lockdown. I'm pretty surprised I haven't heard from her.

There's one other person I can reach out to back home who will check on things for me. My beta friend, Birdie, I'd once wanted to marry. Before my mother ruined that too like every slice of happiness I found there.

I pull out my phone and shoot her a text, ripping up my cuticles with my teeth as I wait, unable to focus on anything else.

"You okay? You smell stressed."