Page 2 of Restless Omega

Just omegas disappearing from their homes, or whispers exchanged in shadowed corners, bruises poorly hidden by makeup, eyes dark and dead.

Aurora’s omega father is one of those unlucky omegas. No one helped him escape my alpha mother.

Which is why I’ve dedicated my life to studying the biology and anthropology of omegas and am determined never to be trapped by an alpha trying to control me.

“When are you going to let me read your next paper?” Rose asks.

I scowl, frustrated with the reminder. “Once it’s finished. I’m still in the research stage. Getting to pour through all these different libraries certainly helps. And having access to so many different omegas.”

Rose smirks at me. “I keep waiting for you to ask for blood samples or some shit.”

I roll my eyes. “No, nothing like that. Not yet anyway.”

To be fair, it is something I’ve considered. But I don’t have access to a lab, so I make do with others’ research.

“It’s all so fascinating.”

I glance outside at the blur of trees and sky. “I just need to understand.”

“I know.”

It’s the age old argument of nature vs nurture.

Maybe I could just answer that question definitively, I could trust my feelings. Maybe then, I could find a way to build the life I truly want.

The train's wheels scream, sparks flying outside the window, as it slows to a stop at the station of our new home for the next twelve weeks.

I all but smash my face to the glass, inspecting what I can see.

It looks like a charming southern town putting on a show for spring, dressed in all its prettiest colors, trying to make a good impression.

Something that reminds me of the welcome ball we’ll be expected to attend tomorrow evening, giving all of us the chance to meet the town’s eligible alphas.

We will dress up in our finest pastels and parade ourselves through whatever fancy event space the town boasts, perfuming and hoping one of the alphas there responds and our search is over.

Something that is one of my biggest fears.

“Welcome to Neverwhere.”

That’s not forbidding at all.