Page 129 of Restless Omega

Trix nods in support. “She's right. It is offensive. It makes us wanna pop you."

I sniff. “Mean."

Rose shrugs. “The truth hurts sometimes."

Robert steps back, eying us up and down. “I think you three are all set. You all look hot as fuck."

The three of us look at each other.

"Are we ready?" I ask.

Chapter Fifty-Eight



THE OMEGAS ESCORT US through the town which is decorated with flowers and balloons that lead us to the park at the center of town. The guys wait for us inside the gazebo with the mayor and her alphas and my father, most of the town spread out to watch.

I guess when two of the mayor's children are finally bonding, everyone wants to see. Especially since they've lived here their whole lives, and the town has watched them grow up into the men they are today.

The guys all smile wide when we join them on the gazebo, their gazes heated as they rake their eyes up and down my body, taking me in from the tips of my red heels up to my matching red lips, stuttering on the rather significant cleavage peeking from my blouse.

The mayor clears her throat, her eyes glistening with emotion. "The day every parent who loves their children, and wants their happiness has finally arrived for me. Today, our two sons officially become part of a pack and I gain not just two sons like we've always known, but three daughters as well. And what amazing women they are. This pack will have three omegas in it, which is almost unprecedented, but I know they'll rise to meet the challenge, and prove to the broken society we live in that we can all be more than our stereotypes assigned to us when our designations come in."

The crowd whistles and cheers at her words, and I can't help but add my own whoop to theirs, touched that she'd added that bit into her speech.

Maybe we should get to her run for governor or the senate or something. We could use an alpha like her in federal politics.

"So, without further ado, I give you our newest pack. Welcome them officially to our town."

The crowd screams and cheers and whistles, making my eyes fill as we're welcomed so fully by the people of this town. It means so much to me that they aren't holding a grudge for the drama and trouble I've brought here.

The mayor hugs each of us before she leaves us on the gazebo, where it's time for us to bond.

Callan looks at me. "Would you do the honors?"