Page 11 of Ground Rules

Her whisper was filled with rage, and my lips nearly curled at the sound of it. Was she jealous? I hoped she was jealous, and that was because I would never truly be agood guy.

I followed her quiet steps, letting her fester in her jealousy for a bit longer. As soon as we were outside Kellan’s door, I’d tell her that I had no intention of getting my rocks off tonight, not unless it was with her.

Wait. Don’t fucking say that. I’d leave the last part out.

Mazey, in all her 5’2” glory, stood a few feet away from the door of the bathroom, waiting for me. I wrapped my hands around her waist, and her back stiffened. “Stay pressed against me,” I whispered into her ear, and I swore I felt her tremble against my palms. Heat sliced right down to my groin.

“She’s down, Cole,” Kellan’s voice was muffled as he sucked on something near his bed. “And I’m winding her up for you right now, isn’t that right, you little slut?”

I rolled my eyes. Jesus, Kellan. Mazey stiffened in my arms for a second, and it killed me not to know why. Did she like dirty talk? Was she… Did she… I couldn’t even think the words. Even picturing someone else fucking her made me tighten up with rage.

A harsh swallow worked itself down my throat as I called over my shoulder, still walking Mazey and myself to his door. “I’m going to get a condom out of my room. Keep her warm for me, bro.”

“I’m warm alright,” the girl said, voice full of lazy ecstasy.

My teeth clenched, and my temples burned. Mazey huffed, and my fingers dug into her hips. The second my hand landed on the doorknob, I threw the door open and pushed us both into the hallway, slamming it behind me. My hand was on hers next, and I rushed us down the hall until she stopped us right outside my door. Her hand was gone, and mine was instantly cold from losing her touch.

The tiniest crease etched itself in between her perfectly arched eyebrows. The pink on her lips had my mouth drying up, and when I snagged my eyes with her baby blues, I felt my heart spark. “You’re disgusting,” she spat, crossing her arms and taking a hefty step away from me.

My head tilted as I leaned my shoulder on my closed door. The hallway smelled of sweat, half-covered in men’s cologne, and I almost leaned forward so I could smell her again. “Jealous, Maze?”

I knew I was toying with her, and like always, I was pushing all of her buttons. Some habits just couldn’t die off. I loved her reactions. Always had. Always will.

“Two years ago, I would have been,” she said, taking another step away. My chest grew tight as I kept my feet planted. “There is no denying that.”

I swallowed. “And now?”

Her pretty, bow-shaped mouth scowled even tighter. “I lied earlier,” she admitted. “You haven’t changed at all.” She rolled her eyes. “Goodbye, Cole.”

“Wait.” I rushed forward, snagging her arm in my tight grip. Her fierce blue eyes were watery, and I instantly hated myself. We were not on joking terms. What the fuck was I doing? “I’m not going back to that room. I was just trying to get a reaction out of you. I’m sorry.”

She paused for a quick second, bouncing her blue eyes in between mine. Hope filled me up, and I was about to pull her into my room so we could talk, with a safe distance in between us, with the light bright over our heads, but her arm was snatched away, and she backed up. “Do whatever you want, Cole. Like I said, I didn’t come back here for you.”

It was as if my world was beginning to crumble again, just like it did that morning, two years ago. “Why did you come here?” I called out, staring at her tight hips swaying as she continued to rush down the hall. The farther away she got, the worse I felt. I was sick with desperation. Why was she here?

“Mazey!” I called out once more, clenching my fists together so tightly they ached.

No matter the urgency that I knew she heard in my voice, she still didn’t turn around.