Ilet out a little screech, stumbling back, my eyes flying open even though my brain had already reassured me.

Only Hunter.

He stood from my chaise, eyes wide and hands lifted.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean—Miss Nix?"

I shook, a wild energy whipping through me. I'd slipped free of the crowd, knowing I was on the verge of crumbling and hating the idea of witnesses. And here was Hunter. Comforting and frustrating. As much a mystery to me as Constantine. But it was too late to bury the frenzy climbing up from my chest. The sob clawed its way free of my throat, my teeth aching from clamping down.

I didn't hear him move and my eyes were squeezed shut against tears, so I thrashed at the first touch on my arm. But Hunter, for all his hesitance in so many ways, wrapped warm arms around me, the strength of him a pillar for me to collapse into.

The sounds pouring out of me were painful scratches, my muscles clenching as I gasped for air, and Hunter held me through it all. There were no whispering reassurances in my ear, only the steady grasp of his body around me. I wasn't sure if it was the tight grip of his arms or my reluctance to fall apart in front of someone else, but the shuddering slowed to a stop, my breaths panting into the smooth black dinner jacket I was pressed to.

"I thought you'd be gone," I whispered, turning and pressing my cheek to his chest. My eyes ached and I blinked them slowly, tears clinging to my lashes.

"Withes sent word you'd left the house and not returned."

Withes… Ah, the butler.

I leaned back in Hunter's embrace and scowled up at him. "You can't just leave me your house and carriage without any warning."

His brow furrowed and his head tipped. "Why not?"

"It's… I don't know. It's too much," I said.

"It was for your safety," Hunter answered, his hands cupping my shoulders and straightening me in front of him. "I thought then your neighborhood wasn't safe. Now I know you're in danger, regardless of where you are."

"You're the one who told Mr. Reddy about Margaret," I said, my eyes widening.

"Of course," Hunter said, nodding. "I told you I would make inquiries."

I sucked in a slow breath, my gaze traveling through the room as if I were searching for the quiet, predictable life of weeks ago. "What did you find out?" I asked.

Hunter was silent until I looked at him again. "You're distressed. I'm not sure now is the time to—"


Hunter and I both turned to find Ronan at the curtain, the sobs and conversation from the hallway sliding into the quiet of my dressing room.

"Come in," Hunter said, before I had the chance to even think of issuing the invitation.

Ronan looked at me for permission as I stepped free of Hunter's grasp, and I nodded once.

Ronan cleared his throat, glancing between us before settling on me. "Most of the company is staying here for the night."

"I came to persuade you to stay at my house. It's well charmed," Hunter said.

I lifted my fingertips to my forehead, hiding my gaze from the two men. "Would you…would you be there?"

I peeked out from under my hand as Hunter winced and stared down at the floor. "I do…have to return north. I plan to return to London frequently, but until the matter at Star Manor is resolved, I will be away."

"Is she really safe at your house if she's going to be alone anyway?" Ronan asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Of course," Hunter said, and I was surprised by how calm he remained. "The house is secure. My staff would be aware that Miss Nix's safety would be the priority."

"I'm not staying in your house without you, Hunter," I whispered, reaching out to squeeze his hand briefly.

He studied my grasp, answered it with his own, and then glanced between me and Ronan. "You'd be welcome to bring a companion of your choice."

I had to fight my own impulse to gape at Hunter. It was strange enough to have Ronan here in the room with us—any other day, and Myra would've chased Ronan out with a broom for interrupting one of us with a patron—but even stranger still of Hunter to offer to let Ronan come use his house with me. Hunter had to be aware that Ronan and I were lovers. He'd seen us on stage together at the least, and I knew orcs well enough to know they had a keen sense of smell.

"Give us a minute," I said to Ronan, who nodded and ducked out of the room as quickly as he'd come.

"You intend to refuse," Hunter said, frowning.

"I do."

"You don't like the house?" he asked. "It does need some attention, the fashions are old—"

He's self-conscious. I rose to my toes and Hunter quieted as I pressed my lips to his. Alexa has two lovers who enjoy each other's company, a tiny voice in my head mused.

"Your house is lovely," I said, settling my hands on Hunter's chest. "And your offer is generous. But I meant what I said. I…I look forward to spending more time there with you. At least for tonight, I think it might be best for me to stay here with the others."

Hunter stared down at me, his own hands circling my waist. He was studying me again, examining my words and my face. I had so many questions about how he'd come to be so timid in certain ways, and I still wasn't sure if I had the right to ask.

"The danger…" Hunter started, and then paused. He licked his lips and glanced at the curtain before ducking his head until our noses were less than an inch apart. "The danger may not be outside the theater."

My hands on his chest fisted in the fabric, my eyes growing wide. Hunter's hand slid up and down my back as I considered the words.

"You trust the imp?" Hunter whispered.

I nodded immediately. "He was with me all of last night."

Hunter sighed and nodded, relaxing. "Good. Then keep him close, little one."