Ronan's shock faded and shuttered behind a handsome mask at my words. I wasn't sure if he was jealous or offended or if he simply didn't believe me. I wanted to believe I didn't care.

"I hope you enjoy the show," I said softly, and his eyes flashed, but he didn't stop me from turning around again and walking out of my dressing room. "I know you love to watch."

Conversation bubbled from the far hall that led to the canteen, and I realized it must've been a mealtime. My so-called "rehearsal" would take place soon, although at this point, I knew as much as Constantine was willing to share with any of us. Con and Antin would undress me, touch me, fuck me. Theoretically, I would survive the experience.

I considered briefly storming down to his dressing room, demanding another demonstration of what tomorrow night would feel like. Would it be Con's cock fucking me, or Antin's? Would they balance their touches like they had before? But I heard Ronan call my name again and decided that farther would be better. I darted up the stairs to backstage, slipping through a collection of scenery facades and around to the stage left wing.

Giggles sounded from the stage, and a low growl.

"Ohh…Goliath." A soft squeal followed the sigh, and the rather obvious clue of wet slurping.

I smirked and shook my head, glancing behind me briefly to be sure Ronan wasn't following before I tiptoed slowly forward. Goliath, a lovely yeti member of the company, liked playing with the girls on stage, and it sounded as though he'd finally sweet-talked Margaret into a tryst.

"Mooooree," she moaned, voice high. "No, no, finish me first. Just keep—Yes!"

Good girl, I thought. Don't let them skip a good finish.

I considered my options. Goliath wouldn't care if I waited in the wings until they were done—he could probably already smell me—but I wanted some fresh air, the fight with Ronan still simmering in my veins.

I paused near the curtain, fairly certain Goliath could keep Margaret distracted while I made my escape. His pale, shaggy bulk blocked me from view, Margaret's ankles over his shoulders. I caught the swing of his familiar, heavy cock, already dripping cool arousal onto the stage.

Margaret came with a scream, and Goliath didn't give her another second, lunging forward and thrusting inside of her with a roar that shook the walls of the theater. So hard, I was sure I caught sight of movement at the far corner of the seats.

My heart leapt into my throat as a figure skirted toward the center entrance, stopping again. It could've been anyone, of course—I couldn't see clearly from this far—but no one from the company would be skulking at the back of the theater, rushing for the doors. Goliath and Margaret were groaning and moaning, bodies clapping together, and I darted through the dark short set of stairs that would lead to the seats, hunching down and running for the back of the room.

And when I reached the back, saw the outline of a bowler hat and the long broad silhouette of the man hiding at the back of the theater, my heart stopped altogether.

Detective Sergeant Piper's eyes were wide, but it wasn't the rutting private performance of Goliath and Margaret he was staring at. It was me.

I glanced back at the stage to be sure the couple was too absorbed in one another to notice us, and then charged for the detective. He didn't fight me as I caught his sleeve, dragging him into the dark stairwell.

"Miss Nix—"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hissed, one hand on his sleeve and another at the collar of his coat, pulling him backwards to the exit doors, out of sight of the stage. "How did you find—"

"I followed you."

I stopped abruptly. Margaret and Goliath were a noisy pair, and DS Piper's eyes flicked in their direction before his face flamed with color and he shook himself.

My hand snapped out, cracking against his cheek with sudden vengeance. I wasn't sure if it was leftover rage from Ronan or anger with myself for not realizing the potential danger presented by the detective.

His eyes widened and red bloomed on his cheek, his hat tipping sideways to reveal the curious wrinkle at the top of his ear again.

Followed. I'd allowed myself to be followed. Allowed a human detective to find the…

I gaped at DS Piper as he blinked and stared back at me, no sign of anger on his features.

"What are you?" I asked.

His brow furrowed at that and he leaned back, dropping his voice. "What am I?! What was that…that beast on stage?"

I took a moment to study him. The fine features, the clipped ears, and yes… It was here in the dark stairwell—an almost imperceptible glow to his eyes and skin.

"A yeti," I said softly. He blinked, jaw working and head slowly shaking. "Tell me how you got in."

"What is this place?" he asked, ignoring me.

"A theater," I answered, tempted to smile as he gaped back, a slow calm rushing over me with understanding. I turned my head as I realized that Goliath and Margaret were shouting their way to completion. "Come."

I took ahold of DS Piper's arm again and tugged him through the dark, heading for a side exit before anyone found us.

"Wait—" Piper gasped out, trying to slow our progress.

"Detective Sergeant, the only humans allowed in this theater are the ones getting fucked," I snapped back.

His feet stumbled eagerly along with mine after that.

"Humans," he whispered, following my lead. "Humans, as opposed to…"

I reached ahead of me with my free hand, found the door with fumbling fingers, and threw it open.

"Monsters," I said, turning back to watch DS Piper flinch at the sudden light, ducking his head before whipping it back up to stare at me.

I pulled him out of the building and let the door shut behind us. The theater was surrounded by warehouses of storage and a few empty buildings that Mr. Reddy had purchased just to give us shelter from passersby. There was no one outside to see us, and the sounds of the city were muffled through layers of brick buildings.

"Did you open the front door yourself?" I asked.

DS Piper was pale, his eyes constantly traveling around us, as if he was searching for another monster like Goliath to suddenly appear around a corner.

"How can this exist?" he breathed. "How can…"

Does he know?I wondered. Had his ears been clipped as a child too? Did he believe he was human?

"Did you open the—"

"Yes, of course I did!" he barked suddenly, stiffening and swelling in his heavy jacket, reminding me that I'd dragged us both out in late spring, and I was only wearing a thin dress. He shook himself, a shaking hand lifting to cover his eyes. "Monsters."

"Vampires, werewolves, demons," I said.