"Gemini," I whispered.

"He is Con," the red lips spoke. "I am Antin."

I let out a huff of breath but trapped it in my chest before it might turn into a laugh, my eyes bouncing between the pair of them. The longer I looked, the more differences I saw. Con's body was slimmer, but carved with tight muscle, his hands larger, those eyes boring deep into me. Antin was broader, like a shield, and his lips curled up gently. I wanted to inch closer to him, let him wrap me in those long arms and soft fabrics, safely away from the apparent danger of his other half.

"The act is…the pair of you," I said, glancing down at their hips and blushing slightly.

A pair was fine. I could handle two cocks.

Con's shoulders were hunching, his body tensing, and I fought the urge to dart around Antin and run for the door. He was the predator preparing to hunt, and I had no illusions that I was not the prey.

Antin shrugged, but his hand lifted and rested on Con's shoulder, and Con's eyes flicked to his, the ferocity fading slightly. "Do you like pain, sweet creature?"

I swallowed, staring between the pair of them, thinking of Hunter's strength the night before. "A little," I breathed, stepping back again, making Con's gaze snap back to me, his body freezing in place once more.

"The act will be more than a little pain," Antin mused, head tipping. "But I will be there with you."

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I was growing curious. Con looked as though he wanted to devour me, but it was Antin whose sweet and full mouth held my attention, and he was still holding Con with a simple, gentle touch. As edgy and tense as the blue demon looked, he wasn't fighting his other half, but waiting. For permission?

"Show me," I whispered.

Antin's hand lifted and Con's silver stare sharpened to a blade as he stepped forward, one hand reaching out to me. A weaker, cowardly part of me stepped back, and the bed hit the back of my legs. Con paused immediately, glaring at me, and I licked my lips, trying to laugh away my own nerves.

"Will I… Will it hurt for long?" I asked, glancing at Antin.

"Only as long as he touches you," Antin said.

I steeled myself with a deep breath, and nodded. Temporary. Temporary will be all right, I told myself. I looked back to Con, to that cold stare.

"It's better for you to know now," Antin murmured.

"Yes. Touch me," I said to Con.

His hand snapped out, and I understood immediately, my body crumpling backward to the bed, my vision flashing white.

My god.

The pain.