"I can't answer questions about an ongoing investigation, Miss Nix. However, I may need to speak with you again. Is there an address for you?"

I gave up the address reluctantly, adding, "I'm rarely home." He scribbled the words down in his notebook, and all I could see was Hunter's grimace, gaze glowing down at me. "Was she strangled?"

DS Piper blinked at his notebook, glancing up with narrowed eyes. "Amongst other things," he said, and then his jaw ticked, aware of his own slip.

I was aware of mine too, asking a question too close to a truth. Ice raced through me, and as I skirted back I nearly ran into someone else. DS Piper remained in place.

"I have to go. I have to… The theater needs to know," I said.

"We'll speak again, Miss Nix," that low and solemn voice called.