By the timeAsterion and Hunter arrived, as well as the monsters who worked at the theater who were volunteering their help, I'd been introduced to all of Esther's gentlemen and found myself in a kind of kinship with the young woman. She was the other person Magdalena Mortimer had mentioned, with a heart large enough to love so many monsters. And they were obviously devoted to her.

She was younger, brighter, and she'd been swept off her feet by her lovers with ease, according to her own admission. In comparison, I felt as though I had quite a few years of wear and tear on my heart, but as Nireas pulled me into his arms on his lap, and Ronan took my free hand in his, and Hunter absently brushed a hand over the crown of my head, I knew that whatever harm those years had done to me would be eased and smoothed away soon. I was well cared for.

Loved, probably, I realized as Nireas kissed the lobe of my ear and the handsome sphinx Amon cleared his throat, standing from the table where his unique little family was gathered together. I didn't have time to worry over the revelation at the moment.

"Jude should be here," I whispered, adding privately, and Constantine.

"We'll have to fill him in, but I think he wants to give his notice at work soon," Ronan answered, and I nodded.

The room hushed as Amon stared at each of us in turn. We'd never had a sphinx at the theater, and this one seemed a bit haughty and imperious, at least until he turned and offered Esther a smile I was sure was made of actual sunlight.

"You should tell them, my star," he said, not bothering to raise his voice, certain no one would dare interrupt them.

Esther's cheeks blushed, and she accepted his offered hand, rising but then holding him to her side. "Last spring, when Birsha attacked Rooksgrave Manor, he ate a vampire's heart while sitting right in front of me. He was very comfortable with the act, knew exactly what he could do in order to keep the vampire alive and feeling the sensation of being devoured."

I shivered and snuggled deeper into Nireas's arms, glad Alexa wasn't in the room to overhear this. She'd worry horribly for Leon's sake if she knew.

"Obviously, a vampire's blood is the key to creating another vampire, but Birsha isn't a vampire, and eating their organs isn't quite the same. Still, Jonathon—Dr. Underwood—decided to test some subtle experiments," Esther explained, gesturing to the tidy gentleman gazing back at her. "To be honest, I don't really understand all of it, but we think Birsha may have discovered a method of stealing the powers and gifts of monsters.

"Just a couple months ago, we took a trip to visit…" Esther looked to Amon for guidance, who nodded. "To visit Lilith. And we were able to bargain for information that led us to the ruins of Birsha's palace near the Dead Sea. There wasn't much left, but we found a temple underground, all but buried. The evidence was there. Birsha has and likely still is killing monsters, eating their organs, or whatever parts of you all that hold your strength or your magic or—"

"It's all scientific," Dr. Underwood cut in.

"Maybe to you," Esther answered, teasing. "And if you want it to sound scientific, you'd better stand up and tell it yourself."

There were a few chuckles, and the doctor's cheeks were flushed as he rose, his fingers slyly pinching Esther through her skirt as she squeaked and stole his seat. "Vampire blood has certain chemical properties, just as my own does—much by my own accidental design. I haven't discerned what the key is for every species, and I admit there are some gifts I cannot offer explanation for, but there's enough information available, and I do have some—"

"Jonathon," the vampire murmured.

Dr. Underwood cleared his throat, blushing even darker. "Right. We found the remains of at least one vampire, demon, naga, and what we think must've been an oracle in the temple. They'd been preserved. The vampire's heart had been cut out, the demon's horns pulled out from the root, the naga's spinal cord, and the oracle's eyes. We, or rather I, assume these are the elements he used, consumed, to ensure his survival at the fall of Gomorrah."

Asterion rose up slightly from his own seat at the table to my left. "There are whispers, even in the Seven Veils and Birsha's own circles, of monsters going missing. Most assume these are individuals who cross him, but perhaps it's even more sinister than vengeance."

"I can't say for certain, given the nature of the act, but I suspect Birsha is still continuing to consume monsters' organs. Either to accumulate abilities, to balance the combinations, or simply for his own sadistic enjoyment," Dr. Underwood said. "Either way, it's knowledge that would certainly turn the tide of support against Birsha. Even those who currently prefer to sit the conflicts out would take issue with his actions."

"Then that's exactly what they should find out," Reddy said, words dark as he stepped forward from the corner of the room. "And I have just the idea for how the rumor can start to spread."