"Come here, little one."

Ronan sagged in his chair, his own hand reaching beneath the table.

"It appears we have two naughty pets at the table this evening, gentlemen," Hunter announced. "Piper, perhaps you might assist me with Mr. Fuchs."


I grinned as I crawled over to Hunter's side, watching the shuffle of Jude walking around the table, then dragging Ronan's chair backwards.

"It's a shame we don't have the harness from the theater for you, Ronan," Nireas said, his quiet tones only audible as I slid out from under the cover of the table.

Hunter studied me, a frown on his lips but laughter in the creases at the corner of his eyes. He patted his thigh. "Up here. You'll enjoy this."

I climbed eagerly onto Hunter's lap, his arm wrapping around my waist and hand immediately coming to cup my sex. Ronan was a foot or two from the table now, one of Jude's hands holding him down in his seat.

"Remove his shirt and lower his trousers to his knees," Hunter said. "Nireas, if you wouldn't mind grabbing the case from the sideboard, there are some objects I believe we'll find useful in our necessary punishments."

I leaned into Hunter's warmth, nuzzled my sex against his fingers, and pressed my lips to the lobe of his ear. "Just so you know, I want to ride your cock so hard I feel it all the way in my lungs right now."

Hunter's fingers dipped inside of me, and he hummed at how slick he found me.

Nireas opened the case and laughed at what he found, carrying it to the table.

"Wait a second. How come I've gone from master to pet all of a sudden?" Ronan asked, although he didn't seem very put out.

"You made it evident you don't have the control necessary to be a good master," Hunter said, shrugging, lips twitching. "In fact, I rather suspect you won't even be a well-behaved pet like our Hazel. You'll have to use a firm hand, Jude."

"Gladly," Jude said, grinning and glancing down at a blushing, pouting, squirming Ronan.

"Are all of these toys for him?" Nireas asked.

"Just the collar and the cuffs. Hazel will need a punishment too, for allowing Ronan to make her disobey my orders," Hunter said. I bit my lip and stretched, trying to see what else was in the case, but Hunter settled me, squeezing his arm around my waist. "He didn't feed you enough either. Eat from my plate now, little one."

I hadn't minded, but Hunter was right. Almost as soon as my lips were around Ronan's cock he'd forgotten his duty of feeding me, a right he'd all but begged Hunter for, in favor of using my mouth. I'd enjoyed his eagerness as much as I'd enjoyed the fun of disobeying.

"You can always say no, Ronan," I said.

Ronan glanced between Nireas, who approached with a pair of leather cuffs and a leather collar, and Jude, who held him in place. Finally, he looked at me, flashing a grin. "I know. But where's the fun in that?"

Nireas and Jude wrapped the cuffs around the arms of the backless chair—something Hunter had made so Ronan could sit comfortably with his wings—and Ronan's wrists, pinning him in place before Jude took the collar.

"Since you were so eager to finish before the rest of us, I'm going to make sure you finish last," Jude said, wrapping the collar around Ronan's throat, buckling it as Ronan groaned softly. "But I'll keep you hard. Dripping. Begging."

"Jude's very good at this," Hunter said in my ear as I nibbled on his steak and watched the pair of men with wide and delighted eyes.

"I suppose he's used to bossing lots of men around," I mused.

Jude glanced at me, his smile sly and wicked. "Yes, but not usually ones so pretty."

Ronan's cheeks darkened, and he gaped back at me in surprise. Jude took his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves as Nireas joined me and Hunter at the far end of the table. The box was closed now, and I was enjoying watching Jude and Ronan too much to ask questions.

"Now, I've been dying to do this ever since I saw the act on stage," Jude said. He reached for Ronan's wing, gently grasping and watching Ronan as he went rigid, glowing eyes rolling back slightly.

"Be careful," I warned Jude. "He won't tell you when he's close."

Jude nodded, gently expanding the wing to the side as Ronan trembled in place. We all waited, watching, as Ronan breathed and settled. And then just as the imp looked calm, Jude brushed a delicate touch over the finely veined flesh of the wing.

He was tickling Ronan.

Ronan bellowed and his hips bucked, and Jude grinned, retreating immediately and watching Ronan's cock weep. Ronan's head fell forward, chest panting, and Jude waggled his eyebrows at the rest of us.

"That will do very nicely for Ronan. But now it's time to serve your punishment, little one," Hunter growled in my ear, his claws scratching the nape of my neck.

My breath hitched and I nodded eagerly, setting down the fork. Hunter leaned around me and pushed the plate to the side, and Nireas pushed the wooden case in front of me.

"Open it," Hunter said.

My hands trembled as I set them against the polished wood, lifting the light lid back on its hinge. My pulse hammered as I gazed at the box's contents. I recognized the larger of the three items immediately, although I'd never seen one so ornate before. The plug was made of clear glass, with what appeared to be a little flower bud trapped inside of the bulb. I pulled it out of the blue velvet cushion and realized that the bud was also made of glass too, a perfect illusion. It was heavy and cool in my palm, and my ass clenched instinctively at the weight and size of the plug. The taper thickened quickly. It would be a struggle to fit, but the reward of the stretch promised a very exciting evening for me.

"It's beautiful," I said, turning to offer Hunter a sincere smile.

And because he was Hunter, he released a small sigh of relief. He would never take my acceptance for granted, would never force me to try anything new. It made every eager "yes" all the sweeter for how happy he always was to hear them.

The other two items in the box were a matching pair, sweet little blossoms in the same style as the jewels Hunter had ordered for my performance with Constantine. The reminder of the demon caused a soft pang of worry to run through me, and I closed my eyes, accepting the pain as if it were Con's touch. He and Antin weren't here tonight, but Hunter's gifts promised me some of the same pain and much of the pleasure the pair did.

"I've worn nipple clamps before, but never ones so pretty," I said, twisting to kiss Hunter. "Which first?"

"The plug," Hunter said immediately. "I want to watch you squirm on it when I pinch your pretty nipples with the clamps."

Well then.

I pushed the box my presents had been in aside and slid off Hunter's lap, pressing myself to the smooth surface of the table.

"Plug my ass, masters," I breathed.

Ronan moaned and shuddered without any encouragement from Jude at all.