Three days later, with no sign or clue of Constantine's whereabouts, my hope was dwindling and my determination met one brick wall after another.

"I'm sorry, little one," Hunter said, stroking his hand over my shoulder as we watched Asterion walk out of Hunter's front door with a final tip of his hat.

"Why wouldn't he tell us where the Seven Veils is located?" I asked, my fingernails biting into my palms.

Behind us, Nireas scoffed and Ronan's wings rustled. Hunter's eyebrow arched as he stared back at me. "Because he knows better than to lead you directly into Birsha's clutches."


"But nothing, Hazel," Hunter said firmly. "Entering Birsha's territory without a plan, or even knowing for certain that's where Constantine is, is the surest way to jeopardize your safety."

"Hunter…" I sighed and tried to look away, but Hunter's hand snapped out and caught my chin in a firm but careful grip, turning me back to him.

"And where you go, we will follow, no matter the risk to ourselves," Hunter said, nodding his head back to Nireas and Ronan.

That roused my common sense at last, and I shook myself out of the fog I'd been dropping in and out of for days. "You're right," I said. I don't want to risk them. I can't.

Hunter's grip on my chin turned into a caress, his palm sliding up my cheek, a sympathetic and weary smile curving his lips. He stepped forward, kissing my brow. I looked over his shoulder and mouthed "sorry" to the others.

"You're not worrying alone, nut, I promise you," Ronan said.

"I don't mean to be so focused only on Constantine's absence," I said, leaning back to meet Hunter's gaze too. "It isn't as though I haven't enjoyed what… You all…" I blushed as my tongue tied itself into a thick knot over the words.

It's wonderful, all of us being in this house together. There, was that so hard? In the privacy of my own thoughts, the words were easy. I hadn't managed them out loud yet.

"You are mourning a missing lover," Hunter said, shrugging.

"Yes, but I'm not less grateful for the four who are near," I said, relaxing at managing to speak sensibly at last.

"We know that, nymph," Nireas said.

"Speaking of four, Jude should be returning soon. Perhaps it's time we prepare ourselves for supper in the dining room," Hunter said. He turned us toward the stairs, nudging me forward. "I…took the liberty of laying something out for you to wear, little one."

My eyebrows rose. Hunter certainly played the role of an English gentleman to perfection, but that had never extended to dressing for dinner. At least not while the others had been staying here too.

"Go up and see if you approve," Hunter urged, pushing me gently again. "We'll wait for you in the study."

"I'll come up with you—" Ronan started to offer.

Hunter cut him off abruptly. "No. No, I have…something to show you."

My orc was being mysterious. Which was often a good sign.

"Go on, I'll be down shortly," I said, hurrying to the stairs on my own now, reaching out to pat Nireas and Ronan as I passed between them.

I had an inkling of what might be waiting for me, and the thought thrilled me, rushing my footsteps, warming my cheeks. If I was right, Hunter knew me perfectly, knew exactly what to offer to draw me out of my worries and my occupation over Constantine's absence and back into the present with him. And now with Ronan and Nireas and Jude too?

I held my breath as I pushed open the bedroom door, but it only took one glance at the bed for all the air to go whooshing out of me.

Spread over the lovely quilt, carefully arranged so that every strap lay flat and every ring gleamed in the lamplight, was the harness. And now there was one for my hips and knees too.

I stepped inside, immediately reaching for the buttons of my skirt with one hand and the pins in my hair with another. Taking the role of pet would apply order to the chaos in my head again, simplify and narrow my world down to a single point. Or perhaps four points? Was Hunter going to put me on display for the others' envy or make me a shared object between them? Either was an intriguing prospect, making both my breasts ache and my nipples tighten and my cunt clench.

Undress, wash, put on the harness.

I had tasks now. Goals. No more watching the minutes and hours pass, waiting for change. It would all be pushed aside for the night. Tension was already bleeding out of my neck and shoulders as I shrugged off my blouse and stepped out of my skirt.

Thank you, Hunter.

* * *