Alexa's eyes bounced between me and Constantine, her lips twisting and pinching. Behind her, others rose, echoing the threat to Reddy. Alexa finally stared back at me.

"I'm sorry. He might not want to help Birsha. But that doesn't make it safe for the rest of us."

"She's right, Nix," Reddy said at my back, a heavy sigh in the words.

My hands clenched to fists at my side, my heart pounding all the way up in my throat. My eyes were stinging as harshly as the first time I'd stared into the spotlight. Constantine turned away from everyone, facing me, his steps a steady thudding.

"You'll have to leave," Reddy said, adding more softly, "I'm sorry."

"It's not his fault," I hissed again, whipping around to glare at Reddy. And those stupid thick hands of his remained opened at his sides, as if he could feign helplessness.

Constantine's shoulder brushed mine and I grasped his arm in my hands, but it didn't stop his march and I found myself jogging along at his side.

"You don't have to—"

"I do," he said, glancing down at me.

"But we promised to help you."

"And I told you it wasn't possible," Constantine said.


He didn't shake me off but he didn't slow down, and everyone moved aside. I felt like a child clinging to their parent's leg, trying to hold them back from walking out the door.

"Go to Hunter's house," I whispered.

"I can't."

"You can. I'll tell—"

Constantine pushed the side door open, and I winced against the glaring sunlight, my feet tripping beneath me.

Constantine spun away and I cried out, but he wasn't leaving me. His hands grasped my elbows, and he yanked me against his chest. I snapped my arms around his waist, burying my face in the layers of soft fabrics he wore.

"I would be an even more dangerous spy in the orc's home than I am here, sweet creature," Constantine said. "Your friends are right. I'm not safe for you."

"But that's only because—"

"It doesn't matter." Constantine's hands moved to my face, cupping it and pulling it up a little roughly. He was actually beautiful in broad daylight, more an angel than a demon, the sunlight striking the gleam of his skin and giving him an unearthly glow. "My intentions don't matter. The risk remains. And you know…you must know…" Constantine swallowed, a rush of blue flickering over his skin, an electric prickling licking my cheeks from his hands. "I've remained at his bequest. It is a relief to know I will no longer pose a threat to you or those you care for."

"I care for you!" I cried out.

Constantine's kiss was a rough, hungry press of lips and teeth, my breath whooshing out of me. I teetered on my toes, arching into him, gasping at the sudden slam of my back into the brick wall of the theater. I licked at his lips and demanded his surrender when he parted them for me, as if I might convince him to stay, as if I might convince the whole company to offer him safe haven with something as simple as a kiss.

Constantine groaned, one hand leaving my face to wrap his arm around my bottom and lift me. He was heavy against me, stealing the breath from my lungs, and his tongue twisted around mine. Soon my victory was turning into surrender as I grew soft and languid in his grasp. He would stay. He would stay because it was what I wanted, what we both wanted. As if my affection might be a solution to the laws of demon blood.

We settled into softer sips and licks until finally, Constantine nuzzled against me, the both of us catching our breath.

"That is both my consolation and my motivation to leave, sweet creature," Constantine said.

I whimpered as he pressed a soft and fragile kiss to my forehead.

"You brought me back balance, Hazel Nix," Constantine said.

"You are not saying goodbye to me," I moaned, head shaking and cheeks wet. "I refuse. We will find your horrid warlock and—"

Constantine hushed me with another firm kiss. "I believe you," he said, setting me back on my toes. His smile transformed him once more, and I couldn't speak because I couldn't find the air in my lungs when I looked at him. "I will await you."

I tried to tighten my arms around his waist, but he unwound himself without any trouble, kissing my knuckles on one hand and then the other.

"Don't leave me," I whispered.

He paused, then blinked at me, that beauty crumbling with a frown, the first real glimpse at his own fears, his own worries and anger, twisting over the polished features, slumping his shoulders.

"Don't leave," I repeated.

"I must," he said.

The door banged open and I jumped, my hand clapping over my chest as I turned to find Ronan waiting there. That was all the time Constantine needed to turn and stride away. Ronan caught my wrist in his grip before I could chase after the demon.

"Wait, nut," Ronan said. "Wait, you know that's not the end."