Jude's skin was pale under the spotlight. Of course, because he could hardly waltz around without his shirt with those great black shadow wings. At least not in the middle of London. But his body was lean and his muscles were clean and carved, almost like he'd been made of ivory. I stepped in closer and pressed my lips to his shoulder, feeling the pound of his heart under my palm as his fingers tangled in my hair, holding me to him.

"It's…it's been a long time," he whispered, voice catching as my other hand trailed down to his waistband.

"I won't embarrass you," I reassured him, licking at his collarbone next. I knew how to delay a man's relief as well as I knew how to call it on faster. I also knew monsters and their own arousal better than Jude. "Pleasure will never embarrass anyone in this theater."

Jude groaned and bucked into me with a whoosh of air as his wings flexed and beat at my trailing touches. He would put on a beautiful show.

"I want to taste you," I murmured, kissing his skin, his fingers flexing and tightening in my hair. "I want them to watch me please you. To watch a spectacular male fae fall to pieces at my touch."

And I wanted to wrap my lips around Jude's cock and gaze up at him as I made him come apart.

Jude's fingers in my hair tugged, just the slightest encouragement for me to move lower, and I offered him a bright smile before bending and doing exactly so. There was an appreciative chuckle from the audience at the view of my ass as I kissed down Jude's chest, and his stomach jumped as I licked the ridges of his abdomen, ticklish and sensitive. But when I knelt, burying my face in the fine hair leading down from his belly button below his half-open waistband, Jude's legs were spread to make room for me and his wings were a commanding presence at his back.

I looked up and smiled again at his hard stare and clenched jaw, the muscle ticking as my palm covered his hard cock through his pants and squeezed. His stare flashed in warning, and I released him. The audience wouldn't see much of my work from this angle, and I didn't want them to. I wanted their eyes on Jude.

Mr. Reddy would know more about him, or at least what branch of the fae he might've come from with wings like that. I was more certain now that it was Unseelie, and probably impressive. Fae princes did love a human dalliance, according to folklore, and folklore was often right.

I kissed Jude's hips, sucked on the muscle that carved a line down to his cock, and carefully pulled his pants out of my way, making sure not to stimulate him. But his cock was long and pleasantly thick, and it bobbed against my ear. Jude gasped as I rubbed my cheek against him, my hands stroking his thighs.

"Take my face," I whispered, kissing the base of him as his trembling hands reached for my cheeks, cupping them gently.

I tapped my fingertips up his chest and back down again, poising my lips against the twitching, slick, red head of his cock. His brow was furrowed, breaths ragged.

He wouldn't last, and it brought me a wildly inappropriate amount of pleasure. Any sex he'd had must've been clothed, or at least in the dark, and probably brief. And not recent, according to his own claim. I ran my tongue over his slitted tip and his head fell back, fingers biting around my cheeks but not pulling me closer.

Did he even know his own body? His own pleasure? I suspected not.

And if I couldn't delay his release, then the answer was simple.

I wrapped my mouth around his head and suckled him, kissed him as if it were his lips against mine, teased my tongue at the tiny opening, and hummed as sweet and bitter fluid pooled on my tastebuds. Now he couldn't resist, his hands tugging me closer, my lips greedily sucking and pulling him deeper, tongue stroking.

Jude was loud, and it took all my concentration to fight my smile. His hips were bucking and his hands demanded more and his moans carried up to the ceiling, out to the audience. I reached for his grip on my face, held it there when he started to pull away, and then taught him how to make me pace up and down the length of his cock. I hummed again as he started to thrust against my tongue, rubbing himself to the roof of my mouth.

Oh, he was beautifully eager and sweet. As unpracticed and unguarded like this as he was somehow shy too.

He sounded so disappointed as he started to swell in my mouth, hot and hard and as desperate to hold off as he was to come.

"Oh god, Hay—" He swallowed my name, and I sucked in my cheeks as he bellowed wordlessly, hips arching forward, wings beating in time with the throb of his release.

His taste was fresh and bright, like a hot swallow of syrupy-thick, dark tea. I didn't waste a drop as he shuddered and flinched, shoulders slumping and fingers petting my face. I didn't release him either.

Jude strangled his shout and shivered as I licked him clean, dug my fingers into his hips, sucked on the tip of his cock. I reached below his length for his sac, now that I was sure it wouldn't send him immediately to a fast finish. He barked in surprise at my touch, and I was glad the audience wasn't laughing. No, they were behind me, gasping and touching one another, a worthy finale—the response Reddy liked best.

And above me, Jude's eyes widened as he realized the truth of my earlier guess. He was sensitive but not flagging, still hard and still weeping eagerly on my tongue, against my cheek as I pulled away to catch my breath.

He stared at me, mouth open, and I smiled at him and mouthed the word. Monster.

Most races were considerably more virile than the average human man. Sometimes, it wasn't exactly a blessing, but in this case…I certainly didn't mind.

I kissed his tip, squeezed his sac, and caught a quick, deep breath as Jude's hands tightened on my face, as his feet braced the floor, and the shock in his eyes turned to determination.

I relaxed my mouth and body at Jude's first thrust, rewarding him with a moan around his length. He was a good size for me, not too big to take fully like this, just enough for him to grow a little rough and demanding. His hands knotted in my hair, thumbs stroking my cheeks, and I let my hands play as he controlled my mouth.

There was a frenzy on the stage, Hugh and Evie both groaning wildly, and the rough slap of a paddle rewarded with a cheerful yelp at the back. Jude's wings stirred the air, the breeze rushing over my skin, tickling me and acting as a kind of caress.

I scooted closer, grunting as Jude's cock hit the back of my throat, pressing my breasts to his thighs, my hands gripping his ass. He was certainly the dominant, in spite of my initial coaching and encouragement, but who would care in this moment? And there was nothing I could see but the flex of his stomach, his hungry stare as he thrust and used me.

I wanted hands on me, mouths, something to treat the ache of need growing in my core. Jude was gasping, and I hadn't even realized I'd wrapped a continuous whine around his cock, the sound's vibration making him a little ruthless and desperate. Close again. Which was good. Nireas's music was storming now—it was time to wrap up the act.

I tugged on Jude's balls, pulled back a little against his hands to focus on his tip, wrapping my other hand around his base to squeeze and pump him.

I knew my work very well.