“You want us to what?" Eston squawked.

The company was gathered together on the stage. It was Monday, and it was time to plan a show for the weekend.

"I want the monsters to take the submissive role this week," I repeated, not bothering to look at Eston. It was Reddy who mattered, and he was staring back at me from the front row, eyes narrowed.

Myra's gaze bounced between Reddy and me, her lips twisting. "Hazel, lovey, that's a very unique idea, of course, but—"

"Myra Jones, you can't tell me that in all your time at the theater, you never once had a monster ask you to stick something up his ass, or—" There was a great burst of gasping and chatter and laughter from the company, and I knew I'd won already when Mr. Reddy snorted and glanced away, lips twitching. "Or to call them names or have you take charge during sex. We're only showing half the fantasy. It's predictable."

Mr. Reddy scowled at me for that, but I bucked my chin up and continued, "This competitor of yours is treating us humans like we're disposable collateral. Powerless. What better way to piss him off than by giving us the reins for a week?"

"Hazel is right," Evie said, stepping up to my side. And I could've sworn the lights glowing at us grew just a little brighter. The pixies always did seem to like Evie best. "I once had a giant ask me to stand on his cock for a full twenty minutes. The floor was so slippery by the time he let me walk away, I nearly slipped and broke my neck. We are not just playthings to be spanked and fucked. We can master your lot too."

"Just to be clear, I personally am not objecting to being toyed with and mastered," Ronan called from the foot of the stage, shrugging as some of the other men laughed. "Particularly by you, nut," he added, grinning and winking at me.

"And how exactly would Hazel be able to dominate you?" Eston asked with a roll of his eyes. "You can fly. It's not realistic."

"I'd catch him in a net, string him upside down, and tickle him until he came all over himself," I said at once.

Ronan's skin started to produce tendrils of smoke, his naturally red skin flashing orange with flames as he stared back at me. He liked—no, wanted this scene. I blushed too, slightly embarrassed by how easily the idea had come to me. I'd once accidentally tickled Ronan into orgasm, and I'd been fascinated by the possibilities ever since.

"We all have our weaknesses," Ronan bit out, possibly a warning to me.

"And you are his," Evie teased me in a whisper.

I ignored her and turned back to Reddy. "It's just one week. You've tested concepts you weren't sure would do well before."

"It's a good concept," Hugh called from the seats. Isabel was cuddled to his side, their closeness a new development or one I'd missed. "We deserve a chance to be in control."


"If you hate the idea, sit out a week," Mr. Reddy snapped at Eston.

"Shame," Evie muttered. "I would've liked to take one of his horns and shove it up his—"

I hushed her, trying to stifle my own laughter. I'd owed Eston a few jabs myself, and Evie had taken my place with him ever since Constantine arrived.

Speaking of my demon, I searched the theater for him and found his tall frame lurking in the shadows of the wing to my left. I itched to cross to him suddenly. I hadn't seen him since the morning after my attack when Reddy had been forced to come clean to the company. I was surprised Constantine was still here. Both Reddy and I knew he was Birsha's man, at least in some regard. I didn't believe he was the killer, or at least not the man who had attacked me, but that didn't make him less of a potential threat. And yet, all I really wanted was to go speak with him. Did he hate my idea? How could I take control from him when my body forcefully surrendered to him at every touch?

"We'll include our audience in the third act. Draw out volunteers to endure your human mercies," Mr. Reddy was saying, pacing in front of the stage as his thoughts started to brew. "We'll call it...Fragile Dominance. Ideas like Nix's. Emphasize our weaknesses, or control in subtle ways. Partner up, plan an act."

I was looking at Constantine, considering slipping over to him, when Reddy called.

"Nix, with me for a moment."

"If this goes well, you'll be more his favorite than ever," Evie said, nudging her shoulders against mine before hurrying over to Goliath. The yeti would be a good sport for a scene like this, and a fun partner to work with.

I crossed to the end of the stage, and Ronan rose to meet me. "Sorry for blurting that out," I whispered.

"I don't care," Ronan said, his hand wrapping around my arm. "Just tell me you'll go through with it."

I blushed as his stare blazed down at me. "I'll tell Myra to buy me some feather dusters," I said, smiling. "How often can you come in, say...fifteen minutes?"

Ronan laughed, his fingers tightening. "You want them to have to mop the floor when you're done or something?"


He pulled me closer, and we both took a deep breath. Oh, I'd missed him. I'd loved every minute of the days with Hunter, but I'd missed Ronan. It wasn't fair to have everything be so right and yet so incomplete too.

"I can teach you a few secret spots to use," Ronan murmured, gaze hooded with interest.

I nodded, suddenly looking forward to rehearsals for once.


I jumped, and Ronan pulled away as I hurried toward where Mr. Reddy was waiting in the center aisle.

"We need to talk," he said in greeting, nodding his head toward the back of the audience. Myra watched the pair of us walk back. I hadn't spoken to her yet about Hunter, and I briefly debated asking Reddy what he knew but decided against it. Myra taking money from patrons was about us humans first, the theater second.

"I haven't told the others that Constantine comes from Birsha," Reddy said as soon as we were out of earshot. "But I'll throw him to the curb if you want."

"No," I said immediately, and Reddy's eyebrows bounced. "I don't know what the connection means, but he's...nice, actually. And whatever he is to Birsha, I don't think he wants," —me— "any of us hurt."

Reddy nodded slowly. "He was the first one I had followed. But he never went near your or Margaret's apartments, we know that for certain."

"I knew it wasn't him," I said, shrugging. "He was angry when he discovered what happened. On my behalf."

Mr. Reddy looked surprised by that. "He cares what happens to you."

"He likes me," I said with confidence.

Mr. Reddy smiled and huffed. "Of course he does. You like us, all of us, even the ones like him, where we're not sure what to make of them. Fine. He may come of use yet."

I nodded. Could I use Constantine to learn more about Birsha's plans? Perhaps, although I wasn't sure I had the nature of a spy or that I wanted to use Constantine's interest in me like a tool.

"We'll need you in the third act," Mr. Reddy said, slower, something almost apologetic in the statement.

"A scene in each act, then," I said, thinking for a moment. "I'll open the first with Ronan. Constantine and I will cook something up for the second, and I'll help with the audience in the third."

Mr. Reddy's answering smile was grim. "You're a good girl, Hazel. Actress, help, whatever."

"Don't get soft on me, old man. We have a show to put on," I said, laughing and turning away as Mr. Reddy growled.

Myra was still waiting at the stage, and my heart sank slightly at the sight of her. Now was as good a time as any for a conversation I didn't want to have in the first place. I caught a quick, steeling breath and approached my old friend.

* * *