"Easy to hide too. Show me your ears."

I turned my head and pulled my hair away from my ears. "The scars aren't easy to see."

"Good. There's only so many places in the world for people like us, Miss Nix," Mr. Reddy said, arms crossing over his chest and resting on his stomach. "I have my position because I fought for it and because I don't make a show of myself. Our audience pays to see humans, you understand?"

I nodded quickly.

His answering smile was grim. "But a little nymph blood suits this theater. You know what to do?"

This was the hard sell, I knew. But I wouldn't be able to fool him, I could tell that much about Mr. Reddy. "Only a little," I admitted. I'd bedded two young men, entirely in preparation to arrive here. Both experiences were short events. I'd already learned more about sex while walking through the underbelly of the theater.

Mr. Reddy shrugged. "The girls would get jealous if you got featured right away anyways. You'll get your practice, and you'll start slow. But be careful backstage. We’re not used to innocents in these halls."

That explained Nireas's puzzling warning. I drew in a slow breath and glanced down at my lap, trying to hold onto my courage.

"I'll tell Myra to keep an eye on you," Mr. Reddy said, and I was surprised by the gentleness in his tone. It must've shown on my face because he gave me another one of those solemn smiles. "I know what you walked in on, but girls only come to my office when they want something. If that something is a day off or a good part, we talk. If it's a quick fuck, they hop on the desk. It's up to them. You understand?"

I nodded again, my nerves and worry settling. The truth was, those two brief experiences of sex had taught me only one thing—I wanted more. I wasn't even sure why. I hadn't moaned or giggled like the women here at the theater. I hadn't sweat and rutted like Mr. Reddy. I'd liked being touched. I'd liked the wonder on the young men's faces. No one had ever looked at me that way before, awed and thrilled, like I was exactly what they'd hoped for.

"You'll find your way here, Miss Nix," Mr. Reddy said with a nod. "Just play your roles like the rest of us."

Eight Years Later…