On with the Show

“Please, please, please," I chanted, but Auguste had his hand over my mouth so the words were barely mumbles.

My hand, by Jonathon's request, was still messy with his release, but I hadn't been satisfied yet.

"Intermission should be for fucking," I begged into Auguste's palm, but it came out as gibberish.

"This bench is going to smell like her for eternity," Jonathon said, his index finger rimming gently around the opening of my cunt, Auguste's just gently playing in my ass, occasionally running down to gather more of my arousal to keep his movements smooth.

"Be a good girl and finish me off, mon coeur, and the doctor and I will tell you what we have planned for act three."

Act three. I'd barely made it to the end of act one—a rather spectacular finale of every restrained human on stage being stuffed mouth, cunt, cock, and ass by creatures I'd never even dreamed of before Rooksgrave—without screaming for someone to fuck me, and they were saying I had another entire act to sit through before they had plans for me?

I growled and dove down, Auguste's hand pulling away as I took him into my mouth, as deep as I could without gagging too much. I certainly wouldn't be telling him now, but I really loved to suck Auguste's cock. He always tasted so clean, and he held my head just right, encouraging me to take more than I could on my own without forcing me. I pulled hard, hollowing my cheeks, and was rewarded with a buck of his hips.

"I wish I could lick up all this juice she's spilling," Jonathon said with a sigh, instead rubbing it into my already slippery thighs.

"She'd come in a heartbeat," Auguste grunted, nudging me a little farther down and letting out a groan.

The lights in the theater flickered.

"Quick, mon coeur. You don't want to miss the opening."

I whined and started to suck greedily, bouncing my head on his cock, letting my drool make the way easier.

Auguste hissed and began to fuck my mouth, just lightly tapping the back of my throat before finally settling himself deep with a long moan of satisfaction. I waited just long enough for him to sag and stop twitching before sitting up abruptly. Their hands both pulled away from my sex, my now messy chemise falling back into place. I scowled at the pair of them.

They'd removed their jackets, undone their ties, and they both looked flushed and relaxed from release.

How nice for them.

"Give me a very good reason why I shouldn't swan dive over this balcony into an audience that'd surely be glad to fuck me stupid," I snapped.

Auguste's eyes went black and he let out a low growl, but Jonathon just laughed and bundled me onto his lap, kissing my cheek.

"Would you like to be on that stage, little girl?" Jonathan murmured.

My eyes widened and I stilled, turning to meet his eyes. They were rimmed with green. Mr. Tanner might've been patient, but he was definitely close at hand.


"Act three is open to the audience," Jonathon said, waggling his eyebrows. "Mr. Tanner would like to show you off."


I didn't even hesitate, and Auguste laughed, tucking himself back into his pants. "I told you."

"You would have to be a very good girl and do exactly as you're told," Jonathon said, voice going deep and gravelly. "There is a toy I'd like to try that uses electricity to—"

"Yes," I repeated quickly. "Anything."

"Don't just say yes," he snapped, green flashing, waiting for me to press my lips shut and nod. "It will sting, but there'll be pleasure too. Mr. Tanner will fuck you after. We can blindfold you if you—"

"No blindfold," I blurted out.

The lights in the theater were dimming already and I wanted to settle and turn to the stage, but I wanted the promise of getting to be on that stage with Mr. Tanner even more.

"The dark bothers you?" Jonathon asked.

"No…I just…"

"She wants to see them looking at her," August answered. I blushed, but nodded and Jonathon just grinned.

"Of course she does," he said, and kissed my forehead. "And we like to show you off, our little jewel."

"Your good girl," I answered, since thinking of jewels made me think of Amon and worry how he might feel about me being on stage for so many eyes to admire. It was my choice, and I wanted it.

"The very best," Auguste purred, sliding in close so I was squeezed between the men.

Auguste pulled his coat up from the floor and draped it over me. I was a bit of a mess now. He'd torn my slip earlier while playing with me and then mussed my hair while I'd sucked him off. My gown was on the floor, and I doubted I'd be back in it until the show—and my performance—was over, but I was still trapped in this damn corset.

I shifted uncomfortably, and Jonathon tutted down at me. "You really hate it, don't you?"

"You're welcome to try it on and see how you like it," I whispered back.

Auguste huffed a laugh, fangs pressing adorably into his bottom lip. "Apologies, mon coeur. But you look delectable," he said with a flick of his eyes at my breasts.

The curtain opened before I could answer, and I held my breath, waiting for the next act.

A solitary light hit the center of the stage, revealing an enormous square tank, full to the brim with faintly murky water. At the bottom of the tank, a blue shadow rolled, spreading to fill every corner. A group of women entered from the left, giggling, hands linked, dressed only in slips and stockings and simple underthings. They were chasing one another, playing around the giant tank, laughing at their distorted images through the water.

I gasped as the blue smear at the bottom of the tank rolled and moved. It was alive!