I shivered briefly, alone, under that stunningly brilliant spotlight, trying to catch my bearings, and then Jonathon swatted my ass, and I jumped, spinning and hurrying to the seat behind me. It was at a steep slant, but there was a small, cushioned seat and back for me to lean into and a ledge for my feet. Overhead, there were handholds which Jonathon had warned me I was probably going to want at some point.

I stepped up, his back to me as he opened the wooden box, and settled myself, spreading my legs wide and reaching to hold the handles loosely. My eyes were adjusting to the spotlight the longer I was on stage, making faces and features clearer, like the beautiful ice fair woman who was licking her lips as she stared at my exposed sex, or the two beastly men whose focus was on me while their hands were roving each other.

"There's a great deal of study regarding the therapeutic uses of electroshock therapy in our times. I myself am most fascinated in the involuntary spasms of human musculature in response to light stimulation," Jonathon said, voice raised and factual, the doctor at a lecture instead of a lover. "My subject today has no experience with electric stimulation. She is healthy, as you can see." Jonathon shot me a brief flicker of a smile at the soft growls rising from the front rows. "And she experiences no nervous complaints. She is merely a very deviant, naughty little girl. Aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," I said quickly, my own tone much more breathy.

Jonathon rewarded me with a bright grin before continuing to the audience. "With a delicate and highly regulated use of gentle stimulation, I can manipulate her body into spasms of pleasure with no other touch on my part."

I leaned my head back, closing my eyes against the spotlight and trying to regulate my breath. I'd loved Jonathon's vibrating machine, and while electricity sounded sort of cold and medical to me, I knew what he liked, which was having me coming and gushing for him in obscene frequency. Mr. Tanner demanded it too.

"You will feel a pinch," Jonathon said, stepping closer.

He held two thin brass sticks, with rounded tips, and wires running back to his box.

"For the shock to be applied, you must have two currents with opposite polarities running. The closer together they are applied, the more deeply the shock will be felt. To ensure the safety of the subject, shocks are kept at the shortest possible frequency and an extremely mild setting," Jonathon explained to our audience.

I'd already heard it all, and I wasn't sure that the monsters watching us were especially interested in the science. What it did do was keep me edgy with anticipation.

"Here to start, I think," Jonathon said, holding the wands above my belly, standing to the side so the theater could see. He caught my eye, waiting, and I nodded briefly. "Relax," he reminded me.

I released my breath, forcing myself to go limp, and he stepped in immediately.

The wands touched, only for the briefest moment and with the lightest touch, but that was all it took. I cried out, eyes widening. It was like being pricked with a needle, brief and sharp, but my stomach trembled, the shock trembling down into my hips and making me jerk. The pain was gone as soon as the wands were pulled away, but the wobbly weak feeling remained a moment longer.

I was gasping for air, more from the surprise of the sensation, when Jonathon stepped to my other side, cables brushing against my thigh as he did.

"You can leave one wand stationary and use the other like a caress," he said. He set one wand against the inside of my right thigh, and I flinched, letting out a nervous giggle of apology as nothing changed. Jonathon flashed a grin in answer and then ran the other wand quickly up the inside of my left thigh.

This time, there was no sound to my cry, just an arch of my body and the weak spasming of my legs, the tremors running up into my hips again, down to my knees.

I sagged back against the seat, my hands slipping around the handles, fingers wiggling to take a new grip.

"Do you like it?" Jonathon asked me, but loudly enough I knew he was doing more than checking in on me.

I swallowed, chest heaving as if I'd been running in a marathon. I would've taken the vibrator over these little wands any day, but I didn't hate it either. I just wasn't sure if this was pleasure I was feeling, or simply something interesting. But Jonathon would make sure I felt pleasure by the end, and then Mr. Tanner would drown me in it.

"I do, sir," I said, putting my feet back into position and rolling my shoulders to present my breasts.

Jonathon grinned at me, something dark and wicked in the curl of his mouth. "Oh, do you? And do you like it when I do this?"

He rested one wand to the tip of my breast, and my fingers tightened around the handles, eyes growing wide as he brought the other slowly closer. I released a tight breath and then yelped, the sound strangling as the second wand touched the other side of my nipple. This one was like a brief, sudden, stab. Like Auguste's fangs in my breast. It was gone just as quick, no ache behind but the memory, and my eyes met Jonathon's. His were narrowed in study, waiting and watching.

I leaned back against the firm cushion of the chair and took in another deep breath, my chest swelling. Jonathon's gaze warmed, and he set a wand to the other nipple, waiting for my exhale and nod before shocking me again.

This time, prepared and familiar with the sensation—as familiar as I could be with the sudden but brief loss of control over my own body—I tried to learn it more. The bite of pain, the ripple of nerve and muscle, the release and trembling that came after. Like a bite, the pain echoed into my cunt with a clench, and I realized that for all I was mentally undecided about the feeling, physically, I was absolutely on board. My thighs were slick already.

Jonathon noticed at the same time, setting aside a wand to twist my thigh to the side. "Dampness amplifies the sensation as well. I could turn down the force of the shock, or if the subject is comfortable with the amplification…" Jonathon trailed off, turning to me and mouthing 'your choice.'

I nodded, the movement a little jerky, and Jonathon patted both thighs to remind me to spread them.

"Close your eyes and feel," he murmured. "Keep your mouth relaxed and shout as much as you want."

I sighed, following his orders, my lips parting. He struck the inside of my left thigh with both wands first, my shout high and involuntary, and then moved quickly to the right. He paused, letting me catch my breath, and then repeated the strikes, a little higher up.

Bite, bite, breath. Higher. Bite, bite, breath. Higher.

I was whining, squirming and shaking, and I didn't know if Jonathon had turned the shocks down or if I was growing accustomed to the snap of the electricity, the clench. The higher the wands rose, the more the spasms moved into my cunt. I was dripping, clenching, gasping, the wet squish of my sex gaping and begging buried under the moans and whimpers and sobs rising from my lips.

"Look at me, Esther," Jonathon hissed, breaking his rhythm.

My eyes opened, head shaking, and for a moment I couldn't find him, everything out of focus.

"You're saying no," he said, arching an eyebrow. "Chanting it."

Was I? I was. I'd been moaning the word on repeat, but I hadn't meant it for him to stop!

"Don't stop," I corrected quickly. "Don't. Please."

He nodded, immediately pressing the rods to the top crease of my thigh at my hip.

More wetness. More pain. More clenching on nothing.

"Breathe." A thumb pulled at my bottom lip, and I caught a gasp, eyes opening wide again. "Beautiful, good girl. You're going to come in three more shocks. It's going to hurt. Are you ready?"

I nodded, and it felt like my brain was wobbling around in my skull. I didn't even care about coming. I didn't care about the pain. It was this mindless place I'd found between the pleasure and the bite that I was now craving.

I stiffened at the next shock, so high and close to my sex, I thought for sure I would come. But it was so brief, and then it was gone, my chest heaving for air.

"Again," Jonathon murmured, touching the other side of my weeping sex, watching me carefully as I seized and shook. He was tense, almost vibrating, and his eyes were as brilliant as lamps, Mr. Tanner nearly rising to the surface as he worked on me.

"Last one," he whispered.

Oh Christ, he's going to shock my—