My lips formed a small 'o.' That was…

"For as long as I need it?" I asked, just to get the details right.

Booker rumbled and nodded. I patted the cock under my hand and waggled my eyebrows.

"Now is good," I suggested.

Booker released that rare huffing, crumbling sound that was his laugh, and then took me by the shoulders and spun me to face the door. "Mortimer."

I grumbled, but I couldn't really complain. He'd gotten me off twice already. Any more time on the matter would be greedy, and I didn't put it past Magdalena to 'accidentally' come barging in again. Or worse, Amon, who probably would object regardless of his begrudging permission regarding Booker.

Booker guided me downstairs to Magdalena's office, even though I knew the way well enough by now. She was puttering around inside, still dressed in last night's dress and robe, her hair a little more limp now and dark circles under her eyes. Whatever was going on with the manor, it was obviously not as simple as I'd previously expected.

Magdalena paused in her rifling as she caught sight of me, eyes narrowing. "Yes?"

I blinked, turned to a blank Booker, and then back to her. "You wanted to see me?"

She stared at me for a few moments, before the dark annoyance evaporated and a hand rose to flutter in front of her eyes. "Lord, you're right. I did. Come, sit down."

Except there was nowhere to sit, every chair filled with books and papers and bones and herbs. So I stepped a little farther into the room and remained there.

Magdalena pulled one scrap of paper, frowned at it, and then snatched another. "Ah, here. There's a visitor coming this afternoon."

"For me?" I asked, eyebrows raising. I'd been bemoaning my free time, it was true, but I'd gotten the impression that three men was plenty, and many more was rare. With Booker and Ezra slightly on my plate, adding a sixth gentleman seemed a little much.

"He's not a member of our house, but another, and is traveling through. It's a rare case, but he's paid dues and made the appropriate requests," Magdalena said, eyes scanning the letter absently, before blinking and squinting. "It's a little unusual, I'll admit."

"What if Amon tries to visit?" I asked.

"I'll send word to him if you'd like to take the client," Magdalena said with a wave. She paused, and her head tilted as she finally met my gaze. "You don't have to, darling, of course. You just seem to be the most welcoming girl at the house lately and…"

"What kind of gentleman is he?" I asked, lips quirking. I couldn't help myself. My curiosity was too high, and if there were more kinds of men and cocks to enjoy—like the ones I'd seen in the paintings—I didn't want to miss the chance to try them out.

"Water demon," Magdalena said, smirking back at me. "You'd meet him in the grotto below the house. And as always, it's entirely—"

"My choice," I finished for her, nodding. I could meet the water demon in the grotto—there was a grotto beneath the manor? I wasn't even rightly sure what that meant. But I could meet him there and still decide not to have sex with him. Not that that was likely to happen, given the way things usually went.

"It's a one-time thing, and to be honest, I could probably see to him myself, but everything's been so off and I have this funny little feeling…" Magdalena trailed off back into that vacant place I'd found her in.

"I'll do it," I said, shrugging. "Might be fun."

I didn't understand the odd feeling turning in my stomach, but I was surprised to find it wasn't excitement.