Auguste dragged me farther down the bed and rolled us so I was on my back. His hair was wild with the black curls he tried to tame and I promptly rumpled. He grinned down at me, “Greedy girl. I only know about the sphinx because you mentioned him. You’ll have to be surprised.”

I plucked a button loose on Auguste’s collar, and he tilted my chin back to meet his eyes. They were still fairly blue. I’d made it a goal to keep them black with hunger as much as possible while we were together.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, sweet girl,” he said in a coaxing purr, and his chest vibrated against my own with the low tone.

I opened my mouth to say something obscene, but what came out was, “I want Booker too.”

Auguste laughed at that, head dropping down to kiss my forehead. “Yes, I don’t blame you. He’s quite a figure.”

“You don’t mind?” I asked, kicking my legs until my skirt rode up enough that I could hook my knees around his waist.

His hand landed on the bare skin of my thighs, hitching me closer to him, and I watched with a little victorious thrill as his eyes started to darken.

“I don’t mind,” Auguste said. “And you’ll have plenty of time to convince him now, although I doubt it will take much. Will you let me watch?”

My breath stuttered at that, and my eyes grew wide. He wanted to watch me with Booker? Suddenly, a whole world of possibilities appeared in my head. If I had more than one caller, could I have more than one man in the same night? In the same bed? This one was certainly big enough for a crowd.

“Yes,” I said, voice thin.

“Ahh, I see your wicked little wheels turning,” Auguste said, his hands traveling farther up under my skirt. “But tonight, I will keep you to myself, mon coeur.”

I continued popping buttons loose down the front of his shirt. “Then you better keep me busy,” I said.

Auguste growled, grinning and diving down to my mouth, ready to follow orders.