“Gisela, listen.” He waited for our neighbor to brush past us and hurry down to the foyer before holding my shoulders and looking into my eyes. “There are two things I want for you, my love, and they are more important to me than anything else. First, that you finish your education. I’ve seen how much you’ve enjoyed your classes, and I know you’ll make an outstanding nurse. And second, I want you to be safe. The Nazis could burst into our apartments at any time and do whatever they want with us. You’re being offered a safe place to live and study, and I want you to take it. I’m sure your parents will want that for you, too.”
“But you and I have never been apart for more than a week since we first met on the St.Louis and—”
He pulled me into his embrace. “We’ll figure out a way to see each other, I promise. Accept their offer, Gisela.”
We were still talking on the landing when another neighbor burst through the front door bringing a gust of wintry wind with him. “Have you heard the news?” he asked breathlessly as he hurried up the stairs.
“What news?” Sam asked.
“The Japanese attacked the United States. They destroyed one of their military bases in Hawaii and sank all their ships. The Americans have declared war. They’re joining our fight at last!”
Could it really be true? Sam and I hurried inside to tell Vati the terrible, wonderful news.