Page 59 of Long Way Home

“And will we?” I asked. “Will we survive?”

“That depends. Do you want to? Do you really want to keep on living if the people you love are all dead?”

I still had Ruthie. And maybe Sam.

“Do you want to live in a world where people treat their fellow human beings the way we’re treated here?”

I knew there were kind people in the world like Sister Veronica, people who had risked their lives to hide us. And Allied soldiers were fighting and dying to set us free. “The Allies have landed in France,” I told Ada. “And the Soviets are winning battles in the east. Everyone says that the Nazis are losing the war.”

“So you still have hope? That’s good. That’s what you’ll need to survive this place. Hope.”

“That and luck,” Lotti added. “If we don’t starve to death, we could die like our patients from typhus or dysentery or pneumonia. Who knows what else the doctors have cooked up to kill us with?”

“Or maybe one of the guards will decide to shoot you one day because you make him mad,” Ada said. “Or because he felt like shooting someone.”

“Don’t scare the poor girl,” Lotti said. “It’s hard enough to survive when you’re not shaking in your shoes every day.”

Sam and I had promised to find each other. I had promised Ruthie I would come back for her. Those were reasons enough. “I want to survive,” I told Ada and Lotti. “No matter what.”