Page 35 of Devastated



There’sa slight waver in Penelope’s smile as she talks to her students about their upcoming routine.

I dealt with the police and stayed by Penelope’s side the whole time. She fought tears while talking to them but remained calm and poised. I don’t have any hope that they’ll find out who tried to attack her.

I know who the fuck is behind it. Roman doesn’t do his own dirty work, and I’m not any closer to learning what shit he’s involved with. Frustration burns through me, hotter than my throbbing lip. Fuck Roman. Fuck him and his games.

Elsa pulls into the lot. I slip out the door and hang off to the side. The back door to the studio is locked and I set an extra alarm that’ll go off if the door is opened.

Elsa rushes toward me, losing her standard aloofness. “She okay?”

I dip my head. “She will be.”

“I have to say, Cannon, this is out of my element,” Elsa says as she pushes her sunglasses up. “I don’t want to flake on you, but I’m not a super soldier. I’m a snarky, wannabe actress. I can act like a bodyguard, but I don’t know what the hell to do when a guy with a knife charges me.”

I didn’t expect Elsa to get scared off, but I should’ve. It’s so easy to think of her as an unflappable tough girl, but she doesn’t have any experience with real criminals. And if Roman is serious about wanting to hurt Penelope, not just scare her back into the marriage, then he’s going to keep leveling up with the thugs he hires.

“I understand,” I say. I would’ve told her eventually that I don’t want her involved, but I’m glad she beat me to it. “I don’t want you hurt either. I appreciate the help, and honestly, this probably just accelerated what I’ve been thinking.”

“You’re quitting the PI gig?”

Surprised, I nod. “How’d you know?”

“I thought disillusioned PIs were a stereotype until I worked with you. You don’t like it, and you don’t feel like it’s a good use of your skills. I appreciated the extra pay over the last several months. Better than cleaning toilets. Although, cleaning Jacobi’s toilets was lucrative, and he never hit on me.”

I smirk, enjoying the lightness of the topic as compared to what happened earlier. “But you hit on him.”

“Job security. He paid well. No offense, but it’s not like his place ever got dirty. Anyway, I’ve been having some luck getting acting gigs, so it’s worth freeing up my time to take advantage of it.” She lifts her chin toward the door. “She doesn’t know you’re the one paying me, does she?”

“Pride doesn’t need to get in the way of safety.”

Elsa takes her glasses off her head and tucks them into a tote. “You’re a good guy, Cannon.”

Her praise irritates old wounds, makes them ache again. “Depends on your definition. Mind hanging out in there for a few minutes while I make a call? I might need to arrange a buddy to work with me.”

I have no buddies I’m getting involved.

Her eyes light. “Ooh, some hard-core Army guy that’s as mysterious and jaded as you?”

“You want me to find someone who’ll appreciate that French maid outfit you tried to use on Jacobi?”

“Lots of men have appreciated that outfit.” She slips inside the studio and waves at the kids who notice her.

I thought London would never let Elsa into the house again after hitting on Jacobi. I never expected her to understand why Elsa did it and then become friends with her. London’s a good person and someone I’m glad is around for Elsa, especially since we won’t be working together anymore.

I make my call.

Roman answers with, “Who is this?”

“You’re not going to get through me to get to her.”

There’s a sharp breath on the other end. “How did you get my number?”

“If you want to get to her, you’re going to have to use me. I’m not telling you again. Next shit that goes down, I can give the police a different report. Will that help what you’re trying to do?”

“Cannon Lannister. Sergeant in the Army. Honorably discharged. Went to college locally. Worked as a private contractor doing protection for Victus IT personnel. Did you get bored? Wasn’t college violent enough?”