Page 75 of Secret Plunge


Two things have happenedsince our messages on Sunday.

First, I’ve had the worst case of blue balls in history. I already wanted to devour her badly when she was here, but then she sent me that picture of herself in a bathing suit, looking good enough to eat, and I couldn’t keep a lid on it any longer, telling her exactly what I thought. Having her play along only made me crave her more.

And second, my blueberry photo started an avalanche of random “pregnancy facts” messages between Harper and me. Just like Harper said, Google has become my best friend where I scour online every day, bookmarking sites, while also getting lost in this new world of all things pregnancies and babies.

I’m officially obsessed.

And in awe.

The things a woman’s body goes through during pregnancy and birth are mind-blowing. Why do people only call babies miracles? Women are whole miracle machines themselves.

Monday, Harper started out with: Did you know your heart grows bigger during pregnancy? My reply was: Apparently, so do your feet. She didn’t find that fact very funny for some reason.

Tuesday, I followed with: Did you know your voice can change during pregnancy? Her reply was: Maybe I’ll finally be able to hold a note? This woman is funny. The guys gave me a weird look at the gym every time I read her messages and wasn’t able to keep a straight face. According to Jace, I was “smiling like an idiot.”

Wednesday was Harper’s turn. Did you know a woman’s sense of smell heightens during pregnancy? Which I can already attest to, thank you very much. I’ve gagged more than once this last week whenever I had to deal with Bacon’s litter box. And before you go all Mr. Google Doctor on me, yes, I know that cat poop can be harmful to an unborn baby, so I always wear gloves.

Poor thing.

Thursday, I amazed both of us. Did you know your heart pumps forty to fifty percent more blood, continuously increasing during pregnancy? Harper made a good point in her reply: Where’s all that extra blood coming from?

Friday, Harper made me choke on my water when I came home from training. Did you know a woman’s vagina can change color during pregnancy? It can turn purple or blueish. Ryan, I’m going to have a Smurf vagina.

I admit it, I cried from laughing so hard. This woman. This. Woman.

Saturday, I was astonished. Did you know you can talk to your baby once the ears are developed? They can actually hear you from inside the belly. Harper’s reply felt like needles in my chest. Wow, that’s amazing. I can’t wait.

Will I ever be able to talk to my baby while he or she is still in Harper’s stomach? We haven’t discussed anything that’s related to us. The pressure on my rib cage intensifies every time I think about missing these milestones.

Should I be there for all of this before the baby is born? Does Harper even want to share this part with me? Yes, it’s also my baby, but it’s also her body that’s growing it, and I can’t just claim some strange ownership of it because I got her pregnant.

But this week has definitely cemented one thing once and for all. I like Harper a lot.

She’s easygoing and funny. She’s taken the stress of my busy life off my mind a bit every day, and I’m looking forward to our daily interactions.

When I wake up on Sunday, she’s the first thing I think about. I automatically reach for the phone like it’s my personal extension to her, which I guess it is at the moment.

Ryan: What are you up to?

Harper: I’m dead. On the floor. Just did a prenatal workout.

I push the call button.

Harper answers right away. “Help.”

“What’s going on?”

She exhales loudly. “I’m just dramatic. This was supposed to be an easy workout, but I’m exhausted.”

“Is this normal?” I lie back down and stare at the ceiling.

“They mentioned it in the video, but I’ll ask the doctor tomorrow to make sure.” She pauses, and loud gulping sounds come through the phone. It sounds like she’s drinking a whole liter.

“Better?” I chuckle.

She sighs. “Much.”