Page 3 of Secret Plunge

My stranger seems to be in a deep conversation with two other men, so I do what I told Tara I’d do and work on finishing my drink so I can go home.

I’m just taking the last sip when Tara and her guy leave after a short while.

A few seconds later, the table wobbles under my elbow.

I turn around to see what caused it and stare straight into the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. They are round and framed by long black lashes. I can’t tell the exact color, but they’re dark, almost black in the lighting, which only adds to the intrigue.

“Do you mind if I join you? It appears like our friends have abandoned both of us.” His voice is deep and smooth, and my heart skips a beat.

Wow. Mr. Hottie looks even better up close. With his brown hair brushed back neatly, his chiseled features, and sharp suit, he’s ready for the red carpet. My ovaries sing for men in suits, especially when they fill them out this well. Is he getting his custom-made? I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from sighing like a teenage girl.

As if he can read my thoughts, the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes twitch, and his full lips curve into a soft smile. Such an alluring mixture.

I straighten my spine and push my shoulders back, determined to seem confident.

It feels a little silly, so I stop. Why am I doing this again? Oh yes, because I want this beautiful man I’m insanely attracted to, to find me attractive too.

It might also be the alcohol talking since Tara talked me into not only doing shots, but also having a few cocktails tonight. My body is warm, my brain just the right amount of fuzzy while still functioning. I’m definitely still in the safe zone but should probably switch to soda or water soon.

I realize I haven’t answered and nod. “Yes, yes. Of course. Sorry for spacing out. I was thinking about Bacon.”

What the heck?

One corner of his mouth twitches, and my brain freezes for a second.

How does this little half-smirk make him even hotter?

He pulls out the vacant barstool and sits. “You were thinking about . . . bacon?”

I wave my hands in front of me. “Gosh, I’m sorry. I meant my mom’s cat. His name is Bacon. Don’t ask me why. Anyway, I’m cat-sitting, so . . .”

I close my eyes until I hear his laugh. It’s beautiful. Deep and rich. Very manly, and I smile widely at the sound.

Stop overthinking everything. Just be yourself. You deserve to let off some steam.

Sounds like Tara’s stayed in the form of a tiny devil that yells encouraging things at me in my head.

“I’m Ryan, by the way.”

Ryanholds out his hand, and I put mine in his to shake. His hand engulfs my much smaller one, his fingers warm against mine.

My skin tingles from the contact, but I somehow manage to say, “Harper.”

“Harper.” He says my name like he’s testing it on his tongue, still holding my hand. “Do you want another drink?”

“Yes, please.” I reluctantly pull my hand out of his. “A soda or water would be great, thanks.”

Ryan stops one of the waiters who walks by and orders two sodas and two waters for us.

The waiter leaves, and Ryan’s focus is back on me. His gaze drops to my mouth for an instant, then back to my eyes. “Do you live in the city?”

I nod. “Just a few blocks away. And you?”

He shakes his head. “I flew out here for an event, so it’s a hotel room for me until I fly back west tomorrow afternoon.”

“Ah, so just a quick visit?”

“Yeah. It’s a nice change every once in a while, but I much prefer the warmer months, especially in the winter.”