Page 84 of Secret Plunge

“I do, she’s amazing.”

He smirks at me. “I guess the smile on your face says it all.”

I didn’t even notice the corners of my mouth lifting. I can’t help it when I think about Harper. “Thanks, Noah.”

“You bet. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” He gets up and holds out a hand to me. “Now go take a shower. You stink.”

I spring to my feet and shove him away. “Asshole.”

He chuckles. “I still have some cardio to do, so I’ll see you later.”

I go to the locker room and check my phone first, smiling because there’s a text message from Harper.

It’s a photo of her posing with a stroller. You think it’s too early to buy one of these bad boys? I had no idea these things could be so cool.

Fuck. She’s so damn beautiful.

My dick stirs in my pants. She’s fully dressed, in a winter coat and with a stroller, and my dick thinks it’s time to party. He’s certainly smitten with Harper.

It’s that damn smile of hers. It’s like nothing I’ve ever witnessed. The need to see her in the flesh, to be able to touch her and hold her is like a hammer to my chest, relentless and detrimental.

I hit the reply button. It suits you. You look like a badass mom already. I pause before adding: A beautiful badass mom.

I stare at the phone, waiting to see if she’s going to reply right away or if I have to wait until after my shower.

Harper: You’re such a charmer. Thank you. Heart emoji.

A heart emoji? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Does it even mean anything? I’m too old for this shit.

Ryan: Only telling it like it is. Heart emoji.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. I just sent a heart emoji. And I’m not even sure what exactly it means.

Harper: You’re very sweet, thank you. I needed that today.

Ryan: Why? Did something happen?

Harper: Just really nauseated.

Ryan: I’m sorry.

Harper: Getting out of the house helps. It doesn’t make the feeling go away, but it distracts me. Definitely better than sitting on the couch with Mr. Bacon. I’ve done that more than enough already. I need a new job or a new hobby.

Ryan: Still nothing on the job front?

Harper: No. And I’m afraid my time’s running out soon. Who’s going to want to hire me when I start showing and they know I’ll pop out a baby in a few months?


Ryan: Do you want me to talk to Beckett? My friend from New Year’s?

Harper: OMG NO!

I read the message again. What the fuck?

Harper’s last job was in finances, and Beckett’s the CFO of the company he and a few of his friends built together. I know for a fact they do very well, so why on earth wouldn’t Harper want to work for him?

Ryan: Why?