Page 122 of Secret Plunge


I getout my phone and dial Harper first. It still goes straight to voicemail. Damn it.

My next stop is calling Beckett. He gives me Tara’s number after I explain to him it’s important, and I call her right away.

I relay to her what happened, and she groans. “I told her a million times to come clean, but no, that girl thinks so little of herself that she didn’t think you’d still be interested in her. Sometimes I just want to shake her so she sees how damn amazing she is. And, Ben, don’t even get me started. If I ever cross paths with him, he’s done for. Stupid shithead.”

My heart aches for Harper and the fact she doesn’t believe how special she is, but I can’t help but laugh at Tara’s spunk. That woman is something else, that’s for sure. I’m happy Harper has someone like her in her life.

“Tara, he wouldn’t fare well with me the next time either, trust me. He was lucky Harper was there and I was distracted by the news.”

“Yeah, I don’t blame you.” She sighs. “All right, let me see what I can do. Maybe I can convince Beckett to leave early and take me with him.”

“Beckett’s in England?”

“Yeah.” There’s some noise as if she’s adjusting the phone. “You didn’t tell Ryan you’re here? You could’ve just handed me your phone.”

Beckett’s groan in the background is very audible, and I almost choke on my spit. That bastard. I had no idea these two were still seeing each other.

Why is everyone keeping secrets these days?

“Sorry, Ryan,” Tara huffs. “I apologize for his dick behavior.”

I clear my throat. “Ugh. No worries.”

“Anyway, I’ve got your number now, so I’ll give you a call as soon as I can get a hold of her or figure out something else.”

“Thanks, Tara.”

“Of course. I know the whole secretive crap has been eating away at her, but I’ve also seen her bloom in the last few months, and I know that’s due to you, so hang in there.”

“Will do.”

“And let me know if you hear from her, please?”

“You bet.”

“Thanks. Talk to you later.”

Beckett yells a “Sorry, Ryan,” from somewhere in the background before the line goes dead.

One down, one to go. I start the car and drive to Coach’s house. We were all invited for a holiday party last year, so I’ve been there before. His wife, Sharon, is also really nice. Man, that’s Harper’s stepmom. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around all of this. Coach Martin, Bill, is Harper’s dad. The same dad she’s been evasive about this whole time, and now I know why.

My thoughts keep me occupied during the drive, and when I get to my destination, I park behind a black SUV. The same SUV Harper drove. The puzzle pieces keep connecting.

I walk up the driveway toward the charming two-story house. Flowerpots line the last few feet of the path until I stand in front of the door.

Without giving myself the chance to chicken out, I raise my hand and knock on the door. There’s some commotion inside, and then the door swings open.

It’s Sharon.

Her hand flies to her chest. “Ryan.”

“Hey, Sharon.”

She takes a step to the side and waves her hand around like a propeller. “Come inside, come inside.”

“Thank you.” I step over the threshold, and the door closes behind me with a quiet click. I can’t decide if it’s dooming or not.