“If you don’t need to see Doc, you’re relieved. Take a few days. You’ve earned it. Let me know when the three of you are ready for the O’Sullivan mission. Speaking of, how is it going with the assassin?”

“That’s a long story for another day. I just want to hold my girl and pretend like I wasn’t shot at tonight.”

I clapped him on the back, squeezing. “Thank you for bringing Jude home.”

“Of course. He’s important to me too.” He nodded, emotion in his eyes, and I realized how much I took them all for granted.

He headed off, and I vowed to do better. Again, Monroe was right. I couldn’t separate myself and still expect to have relationships with people. If I closed off from one area, it closed me off from another. If I was going to be different, it started with those around me. Shucking off my jacket, I tossed it and my tie onto the table. Rolling up my sleeves, I walked over to the people I’d come to love congregated on the couch. I wanted them to know I was here and not just supervising.

Loren saw me and reached out for my hand. Jude looked up, catching the shine of the ring.

“Wait! I get kidnapped, and you get married?”

Oops, looked like we had some explaining to do.