“I’d like that.” I smiled, seeing the victim he’d been to Jacqueline as well, but not excusing the choices he’d made. I could understand them, but it didn’t mean I would so easily forget the impact they had on my life.

Atticus squeezed my thigh, reminding me I wasn’t alone in this, and I felt the collective gazes of the men who’d come to mean the world to me, showing me what courage and honor indeed were.

By the time my father left, we’d found out he’d been planning to move out and make things official with his boyfriend, so divorcing her wouldn’t be as big of an ask as I’d thought. Things at the house had been bleak, and he realized he’d had nothing else to lose by coming out of the closet. It was sad that it took him that long to step away from Jacqueline, but I was also happy he was finally doing it. He’d even spent some time getting to know Jude and made plans to volunteer at the youth center when he’d be there. It was everything I’d always wanted from my father, and I was glad I’d get to experience it, at least in this new life of mine.

My dad scheduled a time with Atticus and his accountant before he left, and I felt hopeful this was another win in our column.

Sax’s hands skated up my arms, and a jittery feeling coursed through me. “You ready, Spitfire?”

“For what?” I asked, looking up at him.

“We didn’t get to have our date, twice now. I think it’s time we make it happen.”

Smiling, I nodded as nervous and excited energy skated up me. It was time for my date with Sax and Atticus.