“What? I enjoy spending time with our youth.” Atticus straightened his jacket, bolstering himself, and ignoring the other part.

“He just wants to watch Harry Potter and is hoping that hanging out with them will allow it,” Sax muttered, rolling his eyes. “And he means mothers, to include Queen Bitch Hanover.”

Atticus glared at the bearded giant but didn’t deny it, and the man that Atticus was, became even more muddled in my mind. I guess it was only fair to get to know him instead of assuming things about him. It was such a rudimentary concept that I’d seemed to have forgotten, hindering myself from seeing people as they were instead of who they presented. I guess I’d been doing that longer than I realized, and it had started with myself.

Glancing around the room, I saw the potential for what I could have if I let myself let go of all the carefully controlled restraints I’d unknowingly been holding in place. These were people who’d accepted me, protected Levi, and were now willing to help me kill Brittni. If that didn’t say family, well, then it wasn’t one I wanted to be part of. This was everything.

Getting up, I followed them into the room the kids were. Some of the guards were playing a game with the three of them, and I was glad Levi hadn’t watched TV all day. I’d been so preoccupied with Wells and Loren, I hadn’t spent much time with him once we’d arrived here.

“Dad! Check it out. I just learned how to float the river!”

I paused, feeling that sensation of judgment that an eight-year-old shouldn’t be playing poker, but I shook it, knowing that he’d been loved on and safer with these men of crime all day. The should’s of the world had no place here. So, I smiled, giving the guard who’d frozen a nod that it was okay.

“Oh? You’re not losing all your allowance, are you?”

“Nope! We’re playing with M&M’s.”

“Ah, well, that’s good. I think we were going to have a Harry Potter Marathon in a bit. Let’s get you in a bath and change into your pajamas before it starts.”

“Yes!” Levi hopped off the chair, racing to the room I’d put our stuff in. I loved his enthusiasm and acceptance of these people as good, despite society depicting it the other way.

“It’s Beau, right?”

“Yes, Mr. Miller.”

I smiled, shaking my head. “Just Monroe is fine. Thank you for looking after him” He relaxed, giving me a nod.

“He’s a good kid. Super smart. He’s cleaned me out of M&M’s.” I laughed, liking that.

“Oh, I don’t doubt it. He has a look where he can practically get you to do anything if you’re not careful.”

Beau smiled, agreeing. I waved as I walked off to get Levi ready for bed, finding myself oddly excited about watching Harry Potter with three mafia men, two teenagers, and my boyfriend and girlfriend. My life was strange, but it was my life, and I liked it just the way it was—darkness and all.