The tears streamed down my face, obscuring my view. My hands shook as I tried to put pressure on the wound, quickly becoming covered in blood, the warm liquid spilling over them too fast.

“No, no, no,” I pleaded.

A wet kiss met my cheek, licking away my tears as Barkley whined next to me. Fort laid on top of Wells, attempting to cover him, his fur turning dark brown from the blood. It didn’t matter though, it wasn’t enough. A car backfired, and I jumped, looking up. Evil eyes gleamed in the darkness, staring back at me.

“Kitten,” Wells wheezed, my eyes flicking to his. “Run.”

“No.” I shook my head, not willing to leave him. I didn’t care. I wouldn’t leave him to die alone. I wouldn’t. At that moment, he was all I focused on.

“So… stubborn.”

“Save your breath, don’t you dare leave me.”


Movement around me pulled my focus, and I tensed, fearing the end. I fumbled for the pepper spray I’d dropped, hoping I’d get one spray off before I was shot, too. My hands slipped on it, the wet blood making it slick from my fingers as I tried to contain it. When I saw it was Nicco, I left it, sagging in relief he was here. Faint sirens could be heard, and I prayed they were headed to us. I had no clue where we were or if it was even possible for them to get to this place, but I hoped. I couldn’t begin to think otherwise.

Nicco ripped off his shirt, moving my hands out of the way as he pressed it to the wound. Wells coughed, some blood spurting out of his lips, and I moved closer to his head.

“Surly, stay with me.”

“What happened?” Nicco asked, but I shook my head.

“I don’t know. I was in the car. He stepped out for a second. It was so quick, I wasn’t even sure I heard it correctly.”

“Waiting,” Wells whispered. I tensed. Did he know who?

“Who?” I gasped, clutching his hand. “Who was it?”

His eyes started to close, so I shook him, begging him to stay with me. “No, don’t close your eyes.”

I was so focused on him, I didn’t notice the ambulance screeching to a stop near us. When hands grabbed me, I shook them off until I heard Atticus. “Lore, it’s okay. They’re going to take care of him.”

I looked up, meeting his eyes, seeing the fire burning there. Atticus was pissed, and he’d kill whoever had dared touch his family. The look should’ve scared me, but it calmed that part of me that wanted justice, that needed revenge. Slowly, I released his hand, standing as they started to hook him up to an IV and oxygen. Wells reached out, and I grabbed it again, following along with the gurney as they rushed to the truck.

He squeezed it right before they lifted him, and he said the name that made me see red.

Releasing his fingers, I watched as the gurney was shoved into the back, the paramedics jumping up into the bay. The doors slammed shut, and within seconds, they were racing off. It made me feel better knowing they’d been so quick, leaving me with the hope he’d be okay.

He had to be.

A jacket was draped over my arms, and I tensed, looking up to find Atticus. He’d taken off his suit coat and laid it over me. I pulled it tightly around me, needing the warmth. My body was in shock, and cold was setting in.

“Come on. We’ll follow. You need to be checked out too.”

I followed along numbly, nodding to whatever he said. I didn’t remember anything from the moment he guided me to the door or the drive there. I barely acknowledged the walk into the hospital, and the doctor, as he looked me over, telling whoever was with me, I was in shock. Something sharp pinched me as a cold liquid filled my veins. Images swirled as red-coated everything. I started to wonder about the oddest things.

Where were the dogs?

Did Jude like pickles?

Would the guys want to go to the beach?

Should I get another tattoo?

Before it went dark, a resounding thought circled.