“Your what?”

“Family. Now, out with it.” Jude stood tall, not backing down.

“Ouch, low blow, bro.”

Jude sighed, rubbing his temple in such a way it reminded me so much of Atticus. Shit, he’d been hanging around the boss man too much. “You’re my brother, yes, but you’re not my family anymore, Cam. Family is there for one another. Family looks out for the well-being of its members. Family doesn’t leave without a word, no matter the intention. Family apologizes when they mess up, but most importantly, family shows up when they’re needed, no matter what. So tell me, how have you been there for me in the past three years? At most, I deserve an explanation, you fighting to make amends, and lots of groveling on your part. At worst, I deserve an apology and no judgment on the choices I’ve had to make in your absence. So, which is it going to be?”

His brother stared at him, shocked at what he was hearing. He opened his mouth and then closed it, giving the perfect description of a fish. “I, uh, I…” Cameron shook his head, rubbing at the temples. “Mom would be proud of the man you’ve become.” He sat back down, rubbing his palms on his hands before he looked over at me.

“You’re Nicco, right? You used to run the fight rings?” I nodded, not giving him my words yet. “I thought so. I’ve seen you there a few times when I was working.” He blew out a breath, chuckling a little self-deprecatingly to himself. “Man, you never think you’ll have this type of conversation with your kid brother.'' He looked up, and I saw the look Jude had been hoping for. Remorse. “You’re right. I’m sorry for ghosting you, but I’m not sorry for leaving you, Jude. I only regret not keeping in contact; maybe then, you would’ve talked me out of some of the mistakes I made. But I do think you’ve been better off without me.”

Cameron sighed but met Jude’s eyes, determined. “I was so tired and thought I found an easy way to save us. But I found myself in the same trap Pa had. When we were on the streets, I avoided the bad people, holding onto the promise I made our parents. You probably don’t remember them like I do, but they were good people once. Life hit them hard, and when Pa lost his job, he fought to find something. A few bad decisions, and he found himself in debt, deep. Mom worked so many jobs, but we still barely made it month to month. When they approached him, he was so beaten down that he didn’t consider the risks or costs. With each job he did for Delgado, he became deeper into debt. He wasn’t making any progress, and in the end, he got him and mom both addicted to the stuff he was selling. That last year, there were a lot of scary men around our house, but one in particular, I remember that he always creeped me out. When they were killed, I vowed to do different… but in the end, I failed.”

Tears brimmed his eyes, and I knew his brother wasn’t a bad person. He’d been faced with unimaginable choices and responsibilities at a young age. I could’ve been in his same position if I hadn’t had Mas and Sax to guide me. Jude walked over, sitting next to his brother, grabbing his hand, seeing the same thing.

“It’s not too late to make a different choice. Sometimes, you have to fall before you can see the right path to take. It’s hidden beneath the weeds and brambles, but it’s there; you just need to see it for what it could be.”

Cameron nodded. “I avoided him the whole time we were on the streets, proud of myself for keeping us safe. I didn’t realize how much we were suffering, though, not until we were forced apart. That was the first time I thought you might be better off without me. You were younger, easier to place. You’ve always been kinder, more intuitive, and families liked that. I was rowdy and constantly fighting, ready to make the world pay for the pain I felt. The homes I was in… it was a constant struggle. The day I graduated, they showed me the door, just a bag of my belongings, a metrocard, and the meager earnings I’d made washing dishes. I was so tired of fighting to survive. So tired of being seen as less than, of having to scrape by just to make it. He gave me a warm place to stay, new clothes, and a hot meal when he approached me. I was persuaded by the carb overload.'' Cam chuckled, making Jude grin.

“He manipulated me, waiting until I was vulnerable and then struck. He started asking for small favors until I was so indebted to him, I had no way out. I stayed away to protect you, hoping they’d leave you out of it. He said I had to pay off our family loan, which our Pa still had. I knew I’d never escape, but I hoped my sacrifice would protect you. And it seemed to work, for a while at least, that was until you were at that restaurant. I saw you there, and I… I refused. He knew you were important then. To me and... to them.”

He looked up, meeting my eyes, and I knew what he meant. Darren had seen the opportunity in front of him. “He told you he would clear your debt if you brought him Jude.” I didn’t need to phrase it as a question; we all knew I was right.

Cameron nodded. “Yeah.” He swallowed, looking back at his brother. “I refused to give him any information and said you were just a kid from a foster family. I don’t know how much he believed me, but he told me to approach you and pull you in. I kept putting it off until I couldn’t any longer. I hoped you were brighter than me. I’d never been prouder when you proved me right.” He smiled, and Jude stared at him in shock.

“You wanted to be brought here? Why?”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “I didn’t know this existed. I just hoped you would be smarter than me and tell someone, not try to do it all on your own and save me. When that scary guy showed up, I’d never felt so much relief, hoping it meant it was over. I don’t care what happens to me, I’ve made my choices, and I’ll live with them. But maybe I can help you have the future you deserve.”

“You’re right, Cam. You are dumb.” Jude punched him in the arm.

“Ow, that actually hurt.”

“Good. I’ve been practicing.” Jude beamed at him. “You’re stupid to think I’d ever want a future without you. We’re better together.” He hugged his brother then, and I watched the moment Cameron accepted he was safe this time as he fell apart in his younger brother’s arms.

I stepped out, wanting to give them some space. Jude exited a few minutes later, wiping his own eyes.

“You good?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think I am. What happens now? Does he have to stay here?”

I wrapped my arm around his neck, walking with him down the hall. “We’ll talk with Atticus and see what he wants to do. If any information he gives us pans out, it will speak volumes for his intentions. I think he’s legit, but Atticus protects his family tightly, so it will take more than an emotional reunion to sway him.”

Jude nodded, probably already knowing the answer I’d give him. I nudged him, smiling. “This means I’m number 1 now, right?”

Jude chuckled as I nodded back to the guard as we passed, making our way out of the warehouse.

When we stepped outside, it took a few minutes for the scene in front of us to register. Shoving Jude back through the doors, I fell into my command, a hard mask falling over my face.

“Stay here. Do not leave.”

I looked at the guard there, searing him with my eyes. “You’re responsible for him at all costs, do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Call The Suit. We have a red riding hood.”