“Are you sure? He stood by for years, compliant to her actions against you.”

I nodded, understanding what he saw, but I couldn’t get the shoulder squeeze out of my head. “I don’t deny the actions he played in my life, but I also know a person isn’t all black or white. They can change if they truly want to. My father, he could’ve stepped in several times, but I can see how hard it might’ve been to be married to a woman like her, especially if it was arranged. I don’t think he’s a bad man, just a cowardly one. I’d like to give him a chance that I never had to escape her clutches. If he’s willing to make the effort, that is.”

“You’re too good, Spitfire,” Sax whispered. “Your heart is so pure. I’m just happy you have room for me. None of us are deserving of the empathy you freely give.”

My face warmed from the sentiment, even if I didn’t believe he wasn’t deserving, because if any man was, it was Sax. “If only you could see yourself the way I do.” I tilted my head up, kissing his cheek. Atticus had watched our exchange, his expression unreadable.

“He was agreeable with my associate, willing to provide information.” He watched me, looking over every inch of my face. “Because of that, I’m willing to let him have a chance. Where would you like to set up the meeting? Do you want any of us present?”

I appreciated that Atticus accepted my ability to know if I could handle it or not, offering his assistance instead of trying to force it. I didn’t miss his possessiveness threaded throughout, either. I thought about the potential locations, but in the end, I knew there was only one place that would do.

“Could we invite him over for brunch this Sunday?” I smiled, not ashamed a little pettiness had slipped through at the thought. What better way to poke my mom and test my dad’s loyalties than to invite him over during the time I was forced to spend with her? My cheeks started to hurt at how wide I was smiling. I didn’t know if Sax chose to ignore this darkness in me or if he accepted it as I did his.

“I think you answered your own question there, Bellezza.”

Furrowing my brows, I tried to figure out what he meant. “Because I’m being evil to invade her precious brunch time?”

Sax chuckled, and even Atticus smiled at me, shaking his head. “No, though it’s nice to see you have an evil streak. You said we. This is just as much your place now. You’re the lady of the manor. If you want to invite someone over for brunch, have someone’s head chopped off at lunch, and an orgy at dinner; well, let’s just use different rooms for them all.”

I blinked, not sure which part I was more shocked over. Lady of the manor. Head chopped off. Orgy.

Yeah, it was definitely the orgy.

“So, does that mean you’re not squinting anymore?” I teased, standing up and bracing my arms on the desk to stare across at him. I knew my shirt would be showing just a hint of cleavage, his eyes dropping for a nanosecond proving it. When he spotted the black silk, his eyes heated as he peered back up at me. I’d taken his tie and wrapped it around my breasts, feeling brazen earlier.

“I don’t need to squint when you’re in front of me, Bellezza; you’re all I can see, smell, taste… you’ve consumed me, Loren. Things I never considered before are suddenly on the tip of my tongue.”

We stared at one another, lost in the feelings coursing between us. Warm hands slid up my back, pulling me back to the present.

“As much as I’d prefer to have Spitfire for dinner, we do have guests waiting. I think it’s time we scheduled that request you had.”

I looked up at Sax, not knowing what he meant. He slowly drifted a finger over my skin, light as a feather, and it reminded me of the sensation room, and I knew what he meant.

“Yes, please,” I purred.


I turned back to Atticus, his eyes blazing, and I nodded. “It’s a date.”

* * *

After dinner,Jude had asked to see his brother. Atticus had debated, but when he looked Jude over, he nodded, seeing what I did—he was ready. Sax and Atticus were working on something, so they stayed back, sending Beau to take us. Monroe had to go home and get Levi to bed, leaving Wells and Nicco to decide what they wanted to do.

“I’d like to join you if that’s okay?” Nicco asked, looking at Jude and not me. I got a little weepy at him being concerned about Jude and wanting to make sure he’d be okay facing his brother.

“Yeah, that would be great.” Jude swallowed, nodding, and I watched as his shoulders relaxed some. Immy walked over and gave me a hug. Nicco gave her a look, and she rolled her eyes and hugged him, too. She hesitated for only a second when she pulled back before hugging Jude quickly, kissing him on the cheek, and saying a quiet “good luck” before bolting from the room. Jude’s cheeks tinted red, but I didn’t miss the smile that spread across his face, either.

I glanced at Wells, and he raised an eyebrow at me, motioning for me to walk. Rolling my eyes, I tried to hide how glad I was that he was coming too. The ride was quiet, the four of us in our own thoughts as we traveled to wherever his brother was being kept. When we pulled to a stop, I squeezed Jude’s hand.

“No matter what happens, I’m here. That doesn’t change anything. So, get your answers, but don’t let it consume you.”

Jude nodded, giving me a tight squeeze before stepping out the door Nicco held open. Before closing it, Nicco winked, and silence descended around Wells and me. He moved over into the vacant seat, pulling me into his arms. The dogs whined in the back, but Wells dropped his hand over the seat, scratching them until they settled. With our recent back and forth, they’d both gotten used to riding, and Atticus had even installed special crates for them to ride in the back.

As much as I dismissed his comment earlier about being the lady of the manor, I couldn’t deny he meant it. He had made me a part of his life, and I could see it in everything. Atticus was all in, and well, I guess I was all in with the mafia.

Now, that was a statement I never thought I’d hear myself say.

“Penny, for your thoughts?” Wells mumbled into my hair.