“I’m safe. Atticus has us at a secure location. I’m here with Nat, Lily, and Nat’s mom. I just wanted to thank you.” Her voice was so soft, and unlike Cami, it had me shaking my head. Sitting down on the bench near the door, I tried to press the phone to my ear more so I could hear her better.

“Thank me? I didn’t do anything. I’m just glad Beau and Nat got to you in time.”

“Hmph, well, I disagree. You deserve all the thanks girl. I know you played a part in distracting Darren, and it just, well it means a lot to me.”

“You’re my friend; of course, I’d do whatever it took to help you.”

“I’m glad I met you and have a friend like you.”

“Oh, Cams, I know this must’ve been an ordeal, and you’re probably not in the space to talk about it yet, but I’m here for you when you’re ready. I won’t even charge you my fee,” I teased.

Cami chuckled, the sound coming out with half her usual exuberance, but it was still nice to hear some of her cheer back. “That’s so kind of you. But seriously, I’d love that. I know I can’t hide from it, but yeah, right now, I just want to heal and head back to Lark and Seb as soon as it’s safe.”

“Tell me more about them.”

Cami sighed dreamily, and she told me how they’d met and became a triad. I wanted to ask how Darren had fit into that, but I knew it wasn’t the time. Yet.

“Well, as soon as you’re ready for visitors, let me know, and I’ll stop by. I’m off this week to spend time with Jude, but he’s playing hockey with Monroe one day and doing something with Immy another, so I have some free time.”

“I’ll hold you to it. It'd be nice to see your face. I love Nat, but she’s momma birding me so much, I might try to make a break for it. Not to mention, I need to hear the scoop on all things ‘Loren has a harem’ because don’t think I didn’t hear all about that.”

Laughing, I shook my head, despite her not being able to see it. “Is that what we’re calling it? I think it needs a better name, but I’ll gladly share all the deets. Rest up and let me know when you’re ready for a visitor. I’m glad you’re back, Cams.”

“Me too, Lor. Me too.”

We hung up, and I sat back on the bench, settling on to it. It had been good to hear from her, but it didn’t make my worry go away. There were so many balls in the air. I honestly had no clue how Atticus kept them all straight. When his name showed up, I answered it, surprised to find it was a video call.

His face filled the screen, and he gave me one of his disapproving eyebrows. “Three,” was the only thing he said before the phone clicked off. I sat there stunned, confused at what his numbers kept meaning. Though, I was a little worried, a smidge angry, and a whole heap of turned on from it.

Well, fuck. That could only mean one thing. I was in trouble.