Bringing my eyes back to Darren, I let myself smile at the predicament he found himself in. “Oh, Darren, it sucks when you’re not the smartest person in the room, doesn’t it? What was it you told me? You knew my weaknesses? Thank you for reminding me that I knew yours too. And just a friendly heads up, whatever you think my weaknesses are, you’re wrong. Now, it’s time to have a little chat.”

I clicked the remote in my pocket, a screen falling down on the side wall. It revealed a square with Ethan Rawles and his second, along with the next powerful family in the Chicago area. Brianna O’Sullivan and her second flicked onto the screen, a coy smile on her face. She’d been eager to join forces when she heard there was an opening. With Darren breaking the code, he’d inherently given up his place on our informal coalition.

He groaned against the ball gag, pulling against his restraints, but the girls had done an excellent job as they hooked him to the bed, and there wasn’t any give for him to gain. I pulled the ball gag loose and backed up, not putting it past him to spit on me. As soon as it was clear, he sneered. “You’re going to regret this, little Mascro. You have no idea who you’re messing with.”

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, Darren. You’ll do nothing to me because I have everything recorded like Madame Emma said. While that won’t do much to hurt you, it will damage your reputation and let your family members know just how much you like… this.” I motioned my fingers, looking him up and down, trying not to laugh before I brought my eyes back up. “Now, I’m all for people exploring their kinks and the freedom to like whatever they want, but I don’t think your family, the one you’ve built on being the biggest male asshole, will understand your need to wear a diaper and be called ‘little boy blue’ now will they?”

“My family doesn’t care.”

“Well, that’s good for you then. I’m glad to hear the Delgados have embraced inclusivity in their ranks. But here’s the problem I have. You took something from me and didn’t hold up your end of the agreement, breaking the brotherhood code. That doesn’t even get into the way you disrespected my family with the heinous actions you committed against my sister, your attempts to take Mrs. Carter, and the audacity you had to rig my fight against my headliner. So, how I see it, you owe me a pound of flesh now. That’s not even getting into you working with my father or killing Jaz. You’ve been walking around like you had no impunity for too long. It stops here.”

He laughed, but I could see fear creeping into his eyes for once as he flicked them over to the screen. When he caught sight of both guests, he tensed but didn’t drop his sneer. The fear in his eyes couldn’t be ignored, and it fed the monster in me that wanted to make him pay for everything right here, right now.

But I had to play the long game, which meant being smart about this. I still needed him to lead me to whoever was impersonating my father.

“You can’t touch me, Atticus. You don’t think my family knows I’m here? You were the stupid one if you thought inviting me to your own family party meant you could take me out. Your guests there won’t do anything either if they want to remain where they are.”

“Oh, I’m not going to take you out here, Darren. What would be the fun in that? This wasn’t even a challenge. You fell for every trap I placed, and it really makes me wonder just who’s in charge. I know you’ve had to have killed your father by now, or perhaps have him locked up somewhere. And since I’ve killed my father, who you were colluding with, it makes me question who you’re hiding behind now?”

I watched his face closely for any sign. There was a slight widening of his eyes, a tightness in his smile, but otherwise, he held his composure. But there was someone, I just didn’t know who, yet.

“You sure about that, Atticus?” He attempted to roll his eyes, but I caught the quiver. Whoever it was, Darren was scared of them.

“Keep your secrets, for now, Darren. I will uncover them, though. But we do have matters to discuss. You broke the code and the penalty for that is to lose your standing in our circle. I’ve asked the Rawles and the next powerful family to be here as witnesses and to vote on your fate.”

He glared, but had nothing else to say, knowing he couldn’t get out of this. “Do you deny you kidnapped my cousin, sent me her finger, and then broke your agreement to return her to me?”

Darren continued to stay silent, so I moved forward. “Answer me!” I shouted, my anger rising as I thought about all the heinous things he’d done to Imogen.


It was all I needed, so I stepped back, straightening my tie. Loren grabbed my hand, and I instantly felt grounded. “Then with the Rawles and O’Sullivans as my witnesses, I hereby dethrone you as the second most powerful family and all the benefits that garnered you. As head of the Chicago crime family coalition, I move to make the Rawles seat number two, and promote the O’Sullivans to seat three. You will be able to petition for your place in five years as per the guidelines on the brotherhood code.”

“You’ll regret this, little Mascro,” he sneered, pure hatred in his eyes.

“No, I don’t think I will. We might be mobsters, Darren, but it doesn’t mean we live in chaos. You willingly broke one of our most basic codes. You dug your grave. I just hope your family understands.”

I felt the vibration in my pocket, and I glanced over at Sax. He read his phone, his shoulders relaxing, and looked up, giving me one nod. Turning back to the grown-ass man in his nappy with a rattle, I exhaled even more.

“I’ve taken back what is mine, and if you attempt to retaliate for any reason, then I’ll release this footage, and you’ll find out how forgiving your family is on top of losing their clout. I’m not stupid, Darren. I know a war is coming, and this is only the opening shot, but I think it’s time you understood you weren’t the biggest threat. You’ll do well to remember that.”

I dropped the key onto the bed out of his reach, nodding to the screen, and headed out of the room. I bowed my head to the two guards at the door, indicating for them to enter. I’d given them strict instructions earlier to not help him out of the cuffs, but once he was free, to escort him off the property and make sure he didn’t talk to anyone or touch anything.

Once we were free of the room, I sighed and stepped into a secondary office, the others following. “We can take a few minutes to gather ourselves, and then we need to go and mingle. Loren, I want to introduce you to some of the more important family members.”

“Attie,” she whispered, stepping toward me. Her arms trailed up my chest, pulling me toward her by the lapels of my jacket. “Take a minute and just relax. You were amazing back there, but I know stepping into that role takes a toll. So take a minute, and just be here with me.”

I looked down at her, and I let myself do what she asked. Her eyes were full of acceptance, and I realized what I’d been worried the most about—her leaving. But she wasn’t; she understood that part of me and wasn’t running away.

“God, you’re perfect for me, Bellezza. I’m so sorry I didn’t see it sooner and all the pain I caused us. I was an idiot. You belong with me.”

“It’s okay. I think we both needed it, to fight for something to show us we're still alive and not just a frozen statue of ourselves.”

Kissing her softly, I ignored the others and the noises of protests they made at my words. I didn’t care. Loren was mine, and they’d have to get over it. They could be in her life, but it didn’t mean I had to acknowledge it when it was her and me. The possessive asshole in me wouldn’t allow it. This was how I was handling it, and I needed it for now.

Taking a few breaths, I felt myself relax more, the tension leaking from my body. Blowing out a breath, I nodded. “Thank you. Ready?”

“Yeah. Just one thing?”