Loren tensed next to me when she didn’t spot Darren, but I knew he wouldn’t remain sedentary. He was too used to being the biggest dick that he believed he could get away with anything. But not this time. I didn’t want to admit my father had taught me some good lessons, but my favorite was using one's own hubris against them.

And Darren was an arrogant asshole, and I’d wanted him to stray.

Everything was falling into place, and Loren had performed beautifully. I’d hoped for her to gain some power, not only among my family who were present and watching every little interaction, but also with the two people who’d made her doubt herself. I knew what it would mean for her to stand up to them, and I wanted to give her that. No amount of me telling her, pushing her, or even baiting her, would do as much for that belief than her feeling it herself.

And fuck, if it hadn’t been sexy as hell to watch.

Loren continued to prove my first impressions wrong, showing me more and more she belonged with us—to us. Watching her shine made me question what I’d been scared of in the first place. I’d been the one too scared to admit it, knowing my life would forever be changed. Seemed I still had things to learn myself.

“Don’t forget whose place he’s at, Bellezza. Darren will do nothing here without my knowledge. I’ve had eyes on him the whole time. I wanted him to think he was smarter than us, only to remind him he wasn’t. The children are safe.”

She relaxed, squeezing my hand, and I knew that was where her first worry had gone. Loren was compassionate and protective of those she cared about, and I was glad to be included in that now.

“Let’s go see what trouble Darren’s gotten himself into, shall we?” I smiled, the corners of my lips tilting up. I’d almost suggested moving this setup to Climax for what I had in store for him, but then I realized I could bring the parts of the club I needed to the house and control the situation even more. I’d been working on it all morning, and I planned to make use of it later with Loren.

Nodding to Sax, I watched as he and Nicco walked ahead and turned down a hallway. Briefly, I glanced over my shoulder at the other two. “This is one of those moments where you can choose how much you want to be involved and know. Fair warning, the more you step into this life, the more dangerous it becomes. I vowed to protect you at all costs, and I meant it. But this is your choice.”

I waited to see what they’d do. They looked at one another, and I watched as my fighter deferred to the golden one. I got it, Monroe had more to lose, and I respected Wells for that simple act. I hadn’t been sure about him at first, but he continued to surprise me with his determination and loyalty.

“If this involves Loren, then we’re all in,” Goldie stated firmly.

Nodding in respect, I turned and put them out of my mind, knowing they were adults and had made their own choice. Nicco and Sax were standing guard outside a door, and I stopped again, needing to check with Loren. This would be the ultimate test in some ways if she could accept me fully. Turning, I pulled her face close to mine, cupping her cheek. Leaning in, I rested my forehead against hers.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this, Bellezza? You might not like the man I become in there.”

“Attie, no matter how many masks you don, you’re still you at your core, and that’s the man I’ve fallen for. Your darkness doesn’t scare me. I’ve had to stare my own in the face. I’m well acquainted with the horrors of life more than you know. Whatever you have to do in that room, don’t hold yourself back on my account. I’m here with you for all the good and bad. I’m not picking only parts of you, I see you, and I know your heart.”

“Oh, Bellezza, I can’t wait to test that theory later when I can get you out of this dress.” My heart sped up at her words, my breathing uneven as I tried to rein in the need to fuck her against this wall. My hard as steel cock pressed against the zipper, and I cursed under my breath at denying myself. Kissing her quickly, I turned and went to the place in my mind where all the dark parts of me lived.

I opened the box, letting the shadows out, and embraced them for what they were. I’d always been ashamed of these feelings for liking some of the things that Dayton had taught me. I didn’t want to be like him, and to admit that anything he’d done was good or helpful felt wrong. But Loren had pulled it all out from under me, showing me I didn’t need to hide.

The urge to hurl wasn’t present either, and I wondered if after all these years, my aversion to lying and doing the things I couldn’t stomach had been something else this whole time. With that thought, I stepped through the door, the mask of the cutthroat mafia boss firmly in place.

Dark reds and blacks filled the space we’d turned into a mock club room. I knew Darren would find it difficult to ignore the chance to snoop and leer at the attractive females I’d hired to work as the catering staff and placed in his vicinity. Except these women weren’t just caterers.

A smile fought to creep up my face at the sight in front of me, but I managed to keep it off—barely.

The two stooges behind me, though, didn’t, and I caught the soft snort of laughter followed by a cough as they tried to curb their reactions. Peeking out of the corner of my eye, I even found Loren fighting a smile, but her profession lent her a particular ability to mask her expressions better.

I stopped in front of Darren with Loren at my side, and for the first time, I felt thrilled at not doing this alone.

Darren’s glare did nothing to take away from the scene. Sax walked around to the left and Nicco to the right, flanking our sides. Emma walked over, handing me the key to the restraints, her leather getup squeaking as she moved in the nine-inch heels she wore. The two women who worked with her moved away from Darren, grabbing their clothes as they dressed.

“He’s all yours, Mr. Mascro. I have video, photos, and an extra special audio recording of him crying like a little baby I’m thinking of using as my ringtone.” Emma grinned wide, a maniacal smile on her face, and I knew I never wanted to piss her off. After all, she was the city’s best dominatrix, and she ran a tight ship.

Loren snorted at her comment, and a rare smile threatened to spread across my face, but I kept it hidden.

“Thank you, Madam. I’ll be in touch. Your fee and a generous tip have already been transferred to your accounts. You’re free to stay and enjoy the party if you like.”

“Always a pleasure, Mr. Mascro.” She winked, eyeing Loren as she started to walk around our group. “If you ever want to get into the biz, hun, give me a call. You have the hot librarian thing going, and I bet you’d make a mean dominatrix.” She stopped, looking her over and at the men around her. “But I also teach classes.”

Sax growled, and I thought Loren would shrink away in embarrassment. Instead, she surprised me by looking at the woman and smiling coyly.

“Thank you, that’s very kind. It’s not something I’m interested in at the moment, but if that ever changes, I’ll give you a call. I can tell you do great work, and it would be a privilege to learn from you. You’re all beautiful, by the way, and I’m a little in awe of you, honestly.” Her cheeks blushed slightly, not from embarrassment, but from arousal, and I found myself wishing for the second time in ten minutes I didn’t have to deal with this scumbag.

“Ah, honey, you’re a wet dream yourself. Please, do give me a call. I teach all kinds of classes.” The two other girls nodded, smiling, before following their Madam out the door now that they were dressed. Emma had stayed in her leather pants, boots, and bustier, putting the whip back around her waist like a belt.