Atticus had convinced us to head to the estate Saturday night, so we would be on the premises for Sunday and not have to stress over it. Monroe was arriving at lunchtime with Levi after the supervised visit with Brittni, and then we’d all be here. It felt strange, but also like we were becoming this modge-podge family that I loved. With all the kids looked after while the grownups attended the party, it helped reduce my worry about them. Knowing they were safe made it easier to follow through with our plan to ensnare the three mice.

I just didn’t think these mice were blind, not all of them, at least.

It also benefited us that the kids were on spring break since the party was taking place on a Sunday evening. It gave us time to make sure everything was safe before we returned to town with Atticus striking back against Darren. He’d broken the code, whatever that meant, but I feared what he might do in retaliation. However, I knew it needed to be done. Cami had to be rescued, or I worried I’d never see my friend again. If I let myself think about what she was going through, I’d fall into the pit of despair, and it would take a lot to pull me out this time. Too many things were occurring, and it all seemed to hinge on this party. So instead, I locked it away, compartmentalizing it until I could fall apart safely.

When I came to a long hallway with portraits on the wall, I slowed to see if I could spot one with Dayton in it. Atticus hadn’t been able to locate any yet, and the one he’d been banking on using at some secret place had been mysteriously stolen. It was hard to know what to believe with all the evidence disappearing. The results of the bones were our best bet now until Dayton decided to reveal himself.

“Find anything interesting, Beautiful?”

I felt Nicco come up behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist, and I leaned back into his hold. When we got in last night, it had been late, and we’d all been shown to rooms. It had felt weird to sleep in this house alone, so I hoped that wouldn’t be the case tonight.

Though, I hadn’t really been alone last night, only alone in my bed.

Sax had snuck in at some point, taking guard from the chair in the corner. While I was surprised to find him there and not in my bed, I wasn’t surprised to see him in my room. He’d been my shadow since Friday, and I had a feeling whatever I was dealing with had triggered something in him, causing him to grasp on tight to me. I didn’t mind though, it was nice to have his reassuring presence wherever I turned, even if only in the shadows.

“Not really. I thought you were going over security with Sax?”

Nicco and Sax had worked on the security details this morning and meeting with the guards while Wells trained. It left me to my own devices since I hadn’t been able to find Atticus earlier. I figured he was doing something for this evening, so I left him to it.

“We're done, and I decided I needed some time with my girlfriend.”

“Oh?” I was glad my face was hidden because it definitely heated at his words. I liked that he called me his girlfriend more than I wanted to admit. It was silly, but it felt nice. He snuggled down into me, his lips brushing against my neck as he spoke.

“Will you come with me to see something?”

“Of course.” I tilted my head back just enough to brush my lips against his jaw. His hands flexed on my hips at the motion, and I wanted to moan out, but I held it back, curious to see what he had to show me.

He spun me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me down the hall. When we were halfway down, another familiar face stepped out of a door. I’d need to remember how I got to this hallway because it seemed to be where all my guys were, and I’d want that knowledge for the future.

“Kitten, coming to surprise me?” Wells asked, ignoring Nicco.

“Um, no. I didn’t know you were here. Nicco wants to show me something.”

“Hm.” He flicked his eyes over, holding Nicco’s stare, and I could’ve sworn I saw a flicker, but then he returned back to me with a smile. “Mind if I tag along, then?”

I looked up to Nicco, expecting him to be upset, but instead, he shrugged, his face only showing curiosity. Nicco continued to surprise me in his maturity, and I needed to remember to quit underestimating him in moments like this.

“Of course, Three. Why not.” He chuckled, pulling me along. Wells rolled his eyes but cozied up to my other side.

“Number three?” I asked, confused at what it meant.

“Nothing,” Wells said, but I didn’t miss the smile that Nicco had on his face.

We came to a door a little of the way down, and I would’ve missed it if Nicco hadn’t pointed it out. It practically blended into the wall, the random knob sticking out slightly, the only clue to its presence. Nicco pulled it open, gesturing for Wells to go first. I had a vision of Nicco tricking us and pushing Wells in there, only to lock the door and run. A laugh bubbled out of me, and they both looked over with curious expressions.

“Sorry, just, sorry.” I shook my head, trying to stop the laughter from rising up. Wells stepped into the room, brushing up against us both as he did. Nicco hadn’t moved out of the way, making the space tight for Wells’ frame to make it. I bit my lip as a moan now wanted to leave me at the touch.

“Naughty minx,” Nicco whispered, and I relaxed, letting my poor lip go. Winking, I followed Wells, making sure to brush my hand and maybe grab Nicco’s special package as I walked in, smiling when it was him holding in a moan this time.

Once I had devious ideas out of my mind, I looked around the room and gasped at what I’d walked into. The furthest wall was all glass. Another was full of plants; flowers of all colors in bloom. The opposite wall had benches, couches, and loungers with a waterfall feature in the middle that trailed down the wall. It was calming and exotic in the same breath.

“Wow, this place is magical.” My voice came out breathy, my hand hovering over my mouth as I took it in. Wells was looking out of the window, so I walked over to see what he was looking at. It looked out onto the lawn, and a green maze, like something out of TheSecret Garden, loomed in front of me.

“This is one of my favorite rooms, and not everyone knows it’s here,” Nicco said, coming up and standing next to us.

“Thank you for sharing it with us,” I whispered.

“Yes, thank you, Nic. I’m so glad to have intruded on this,” Wells teased with a dour expression. I bumped his shoulder with mine, narrowing my eyes at him. Nicco only laughed, not caring, wrapping his arm around me.