Kicking my foot to the floor, I closed the book I’d been trying to read for the past hour. Considering I was still on the same page, I was calling it a lost cause. I’d curled up on a chair in the library, hoping to pass the time, but I think it was time I gave up. Blowing out a breath, I looked over at the two teenagers who were sitting at a long table looking through colleges on Imogen’s computer.

“Find any that interest you?” I asked, my voice disrupting the quiet that had settled around us. Fort picked his head up, instantly wanting my attention. Barkley was over by Jude as he casually scratched her as he scrolled. She’d become his shadow over the past few days, making my heart happy.

“Hmm, yeah, a few,” he responded, looking up.

“Cool, just let me know what day you want to go. I’m off all week to do things with you.” He smiled at me, and I knew I’d made the right call.

“Looking forward to it.”

“Lor, did you know there was a music program at Jude’s school?” Imogen asked excitedly.

“Yeah, I did. Timber Creek’s a good school, and their music program has won a lot of prestigious awards. How’s it going with convincing Attie?”

“Pretty good, I think. He told me to get the info and present it to him. That’s the first time he hasn’t said no, so I’m feeling hopeful.” Jude hid a smile, having told me about Atticus' plan to enroll her there, and him keeping an eye on Imogen at school unbeknownst to her.

“That’s great. I think I need to go for a walk or something. For once, sitting is driving me crazy. You guys okay in here?”

“Yep,” they both answered, not even glancing over.

“Alright. Don’t forget, Levi will be here later. Thanks for volunteering to watch him.”

“It’s gonna be a blast,” Immy beamed, looking up this time. She was more excited than any teenager I’d ever met before about the prospect of babysitting.

“He’s the cutest and a huge Potterhead. I’m sure you’ll get along great.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Be good. I’m going to explore some.”

“Bye,” they mumbled, already back to talking about whatever they were looking at. It made me happy to see them so excited about their futures. I couldn’t fault them for not wanting to engage with an adult.

Getting up, I nodded to Elijah, who was standing outside the library. I didn’t know if it was for them or me, but I had to assume the kids when he didn’t follow. Sometimes, Atticus’ paranoia about Jude and Immy made me chuckle, and the need to push his buttons arose just so I could watch him react.

Walking through the halls, I realized how much the past two days had been a test of my patience. At first, I’d needed the time to decompress and process everything Atticus had discovered about my medical history. Once the numbness wore off, I quickly switched to anger and had to rein in my impulsive streak to run Brian over with my car. I spent a lot of time kicking the shit out of the punching bag in the gym, at least it was cathartic.

And when Wells finished the session with an orgasm, even better.

Atticus hadn’t wasted any time sending out the invitations to my parents, ex-husband, and Darren on Friday night, which might’ve been what made me anxious. It was difficult to sit around for two days, knowing what was to come, but it gave me more time to prepare what I would say when I saw them. The lure to give in to that dark part of myself was tempting me, just like when I’d kicked Brian in the balls. I knew I was close to the edge of falling over, and the darkness had never looked more enticing than it did right now.

I wanted revenge and justice for the things they’d done to me. I craved it like nothing I’d ever craved before.

And it wasn’t just the fact they’d manipulated and lied to me, but the years of emotional abuse and gaslighting had trapped me in my own mind, limiting me from being who I was meant to be. It was the worst kind of prison because it was so hard to escape your own self-defeating thoughts.

Nervous energy vibrated under my skin as I walked the hallway, and I didn’t think punching anything would help today. We still had hours before we needed to get ready for the event, so perhaps some mischief would help. I just had to find someone in this place willing to help me out.

I’d always thought Atticus’ mansion home in the city was impressive, an entire building used for his own personal needs. The estate, though, was on a whole different level. When we arrived here last night, Wells made a face stating he liked the mansion better. I kind of understood what he meant, though. Everything was grand and luxurious, but it didn’t have Atticus or Immy’s feel to it. If I let myself think about it, I could feel Dayton in some of the decor.

Perhaps that was why this place gave me the creeps.

It was beautiful and impressive, but there was a layer of darkness coating everything. The longer I was here, the more I could feel the menacing things that had likely occurred in these rooms. There was darkness and shadows in every corner, and it was saturated with danger—and not the good kind.

“Good morning, Mrs. Carter. Anything I can help you find?” the head of staff asked.

“Loren,” I corrected with a smile, “and, no. Thank you, I’m just looking around.”

She nodded, continuing on her path, but I didn’t miss the disapproval in her gaze at me being able to wander wherever I wanted. Atticus had made it clear, though. While the teens were to be watched, I had free rein of the place. He’d warned me that some of the older staff might have an issue with it, but I hadn’t thought anything of it. Now, I was beginning to see what he meant.