“I’m learning that.” She grinned, letting out another breath.

“So, have you had any luck yet? What has it been like having to step back into that role?”

“Such the therapist,” she teased, and I shrugged. You could take the girl out of the office, but you couldn’t take the therapist out of the girl. “It hasn’t been as bad as I thought. At first, I was really nervous, but because I changed my name and played it safe since we’ve been here, no one really knows me. Mason’s non-involvement helps, too, and not many people know he’s Lily’s father, so my connection to the Mascro family is practically non-existent. I slid into Delgado operations fairly easily, and I’ve been making some connections. It’s just, now is where it gets dangerous because Darren isn’t operating by the code, and he’s gone off-book. I don’t know what it means that he broke the brotherhood code, but I know it’s not good. Be careful, Lor. I know you’ve encountered him a few times. I wouldn't put it past him to try again.”

I nodded, accepting the fact it was a possibility. Out of instinct, I looked to the table where Beau sat, the mention of safety reminding me of my shadow. His eyes weren’t on me though, they were on Nat, a look of concern on his face. Interesting. I turned back to my friend, taking a sip of my coffee to hide my smile. It seemed Nat had two admirers now, and it was my new mission to assist her in letting men into her life.

We talked for another hour, just catching up, and I felt the barrier I hadn’t realized was between Nat and me fall away as she let me all the way in. She’d always been the fun girl, the cool one who didn’t seem to have any troubles, and it made me realize that maybe everyone wore a type of mask, shielding who they really were from others. It made getting to see beneath it valuable, a commodity you couldn’t buy or trade for; it made vulnerability priceless.

Hugging her goodbye, I walked with Beau back to my condo. He was one of the few who listened to my wishes and walked with me instead of behind me. It made me feel awkward when they were following, just a voiceless shadow trailing me. Even if we didn’t talk, like Beau and I often didn’t, it was nice having him next to me, making it feel more friendly.

As we walked, I ran through the rest of my day. Since it was Friday, my day off from clients, and Jude in school, there wasn’t anywhere I needed to be. It was the last day before his spring break, reminding me to check into some campuses we could look at and plan a photo date together. Organizing the lists in my head, I didn’t see her until I felt Beau stop me with an arm out in front of me. Blinking at the contact, I looked over and spotted her waiting for us.


When she saw me, she relaxed, and we met at the door. I found myself embracing her, something I wouldn’t have even thought of doing months ago. “How are you?” I asked when I pulled back. She’d been radio silent for a few weeks, and I’d been nervous. Brian had gotten out on bail and so far had been quiet, but I knew the retaliation would come. There was no way he’d be able to let it go. I’d been worried he’d take it out on her instead.

“Sorry, I was trying to tie up some loose ends and gather the things I needed. And well, I found something, Loren.”

Her words filled me with dread and relief. As we made our way up to the apartment, I knew whatever it was, this time, I could handle it. I was done with letting Jacqueline and Brian dictate my life, and that included how I felt. Pulling out my phone, I sent a message to the group chat I’d set up for the guys for instances such as this, so I wouldn’t have to send out five different ones. So far, they’d all been quiet, ignoring the presence of one another. I guess it was squinting in text form.

ME: Christine is with me. She found something. Going up to my apartment now. If anyone is free, you’re welcome to join me. No more secrets.

I put my phone away as we stepped through the door, knowing if anyone could, they would come, and Beau would let them in. Facing Christine, I took a deep breath as I watched her pull out a piece of paper.

“Okay, what is it? What’s this trust about?”

She bit her lip, twisting her hands. “I think you might want to sit down for this.”