Something about those words had his eyes shuttering closed as he breathed. His hand dropped away, and he leaned back on his haunches, angling my hips up more, holding me there with his hands. Atticus gave me one look before he pulled back and then slammed into me again. The force was intense, and I soon lost myself to the impact as he impaled me. A few seconds later, I felt him tense, pulling me to him tight as he held me there. I blinked my eyes open, finding Atticus staring at me, a look of horror on his face.

“What? Are you okay?” I asked, trying to sit up to comfort him.

“I, um, I… fuck, I can’t believe I came that fast and you didn’t even, you know.”

The concept of the stone-cold mafia boss being shocked about losing his load so quickly and concerned I didn’t orgasm had me laughing.

“This isn't funny, Lore. I’m sorry.” He stared down at me, a stern look on his face, his arms crossed. He seemed to forget the fact he was still balls deep in me, too. It only made me laugh more, and to remind him, I squeezed my walls, feeling him suck in a breath at the pressure.

“Oh, is that how it’s going to be?” he breathed, some of the tension leaving him. He bent down, lifting me up and walking back over to the railing. The movie still played, though it was at the end, and I laughed at how much we’d miss due to our preoccupation.

He placed me on my feet, and before I could ask him what was going on, he plunged his fingers in me, tweaking my nipple as he unmercifully finger fucked me against the rail. As I came down from an orgasm a minute later, he plunged his dick in and thoroughly fucked me up against the rail this time, my screams echoing around the theater as an epic sword battle waged on screen.

At one point, I worried the railing wouldn’t hold, but as we both came again a few minutes later, I was pleased to note it had stayed. This time, Atticus pulled me down to the ground, and we laid on the blanket, watching the last of the movie while we ate dessert.

As the credits rolled, the screen going dark, his thumb trailed up my arm in a caress, neither of us wanting to move, content to stay where we were for the moment.

“Lore, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Rolling over, I perched my arms on his chest, tracing the raven tattoo before I looked up into his eyes. “What’s up?” I smiled, loving this dynamic between us.

He brushed his thumb over my face, cupping my jaw. “It’s about Cami,” he said, regret heavy in his voice.

As I lay there after one of the best dates of my life, I was reminded why these moments were so important to have. Because life was always there waiting to throw a curveball.