My patience had left me ten minutes ago, making my irritation grow the more I stared at the phone, waiting for it to ring. When we returned from the benefit, I’d received another envelope from Darren telling me to be available Sunday morning. At least this time, there weren’t any body parts with it, but I didn’t like having to bow to his schedule. My spy had been successful infiltrating so far, so I had to believe Darren had no clue. If he was onto my subterfuge, though, I was afraid Loren would never forgive me.

The phone lit up finally, and now it was my turn to make him wait. After a few rings, I picked it up, not greeting him. His low chuckle sounded out, and I gritted my teeth. His arrogance would be his downfall if I had anything to do about it.

And I would, or die trying.

I was determined to eliminate him for all the pain and horrors he’d caused in my life and to the people I loved. I just hoped I’d be here afterward.

“Little Mascro, so good of you to take my call.”

“What do you want, Darren? I have better things to do.”

“Oh, I bet you do. That pretty little therapist, perhaps?”

Gritting my teeth more, I kept my mouth shut. He could believe what he wanted, but I wouldn’t be foolish enough to give him any information freely.

He chuckled again, finding my silence amusing, and I wanted to smash his face in. My hand gripped the arm of the chair, the wood creaking under the pressure.

“Very well, very well.” He sighed heavily before continuing, mimicking that he was disappointed. “My delivery arrived intact and on time. Thank you for that. It seems you can follow directions when properly motivated.”

I could hear the smile in his words, wanting to bait me again, but I held firm.

“Tsk, tsk, little Mascro, you’re no fun. Fine, I’ll get to business. Seeing how well that went, I have another job for you.”

“No.” I knew it was coming, but the audacity of his request had me rejecting it instantly.

“Ah, but we’ve been having such fun, little Mascro! Don’t break up the team already.”

“We’re not a team, Darren, and you know this. I paid the debt you claimed my father owed. Therefore, our partnership is over. You will release my cousin, or I’ll have to retaliate. And Darren, you don’t want me to retaliate.”

“Oh, aren’t you so cute making threats like you matter.” He laughed, the sound maniacal, and it made my blood run cold.

“You know the code, Darren. Tit for tat. It’s been reciprocated even from the grave as it was my father who struck this bargain with you. I owe you nothing else. Adhere to the code and release her, or I’ll be forced to enact the brotherhood clause that our fathers agreed upon after the great fallout. Are you prepared for the repercussions if you break the code, Darren? I’d hate to see your new venue fail before it even opens. You have twenty-four hours.”

I hung up, not letting him have time to respond. He knew as well as I did what the code stated, and for all of his bravado, I didn’t think Darren had it in him. The next twenty-four hours would be imperative on whether or not a war would start again on the streets of Chicago.

At least this time, I was prepared. I wouldn’t let him take anything else from me.

Picking up the burner phone, I sent a message to my spy.

ME: Status?

Spy: No visual yet

ME: Approximation?

Spy: Soon

ME: I gave him 24hrs. He should start scrambling. This is our chance for him to make a mistake.

Spy: Understood

Spy: How is she?

ME: Safe

Spy: Thank you