When I woke up a few hours later, my arm was a dull throbbing ache, but outside of being stiff, it wasn’t too bad. I still couldn’t believe that Brian had tried to shoot me. I didn’t know what it meant for him, but I’d hit my expiration date for dealing with his crap.

Sitting up, I found Wells asleep next to me, his breathing heavy, letting me know he was in a deep sleep. A dog slept between our legs, and when I reached down to pet them, I found Fort. His fur was coarse and not the soft, tight curls of Barkley. This was twice now that they’d saved someone. They really deserved the best treatment. I’d need to schedule them a doggy day spa or something or get them steak. Maybe I’d ask Wells what would be the best.

Throwing off the covers, I realized we were back at the hotel. Our return to the mansion hadn’t lasted long. It could only mean we were under attack. Scooting out of bed, I softly padded my way toward the door. It opened easily, and I stepped out into the quiet hallway. I didn’t know what time it was, but I found it strange that the place we’d been at a few days ago was this silent. It had been bustling with people at all hours of the day prior, so what was different?

A soft light peaked out from under a door, and I pushed it open. A gasp left me when I found Brian sitting bloody and bruised in a chair. When I looked over, I found Sax standing against the wall. His face was a blank mask, and I didn’t like it. His eyes flicked to me for the barest of seconds before returning to my ex-husband. The most jaw-dropping thing, though, was the man I found behind Brian, the one with his own bloody knuckles.

He looked up at me, his eyes swirling with an immense amount of emotion. I covered my mouth with one hand, not sure what to do. Sweat dripped off his forehead, his hair hanging down in his face. He wrenched Brian’s head back, holding my gaze before a sneer formed on his face, and he looked down at my despicable ex-husband.

“What’s it going to be, Brian? Ready to spill, or are you going to continue to play dumb? Maybe I should have Beautiful step on your balls again. She did a real number on them. I’m surprised your voice can come out at the same octave.” Nicco flicked his eyes up, a smirk growing on his face in pride. “That was fucking magnificent, babe. If I didn’t have to take care of this sad sack of shit, I would’ve come and rewarded you right then.”

I blushed, my cheeks reddening at the heated comment. I didn’t know if I wanted to be attracted to him going ape-shit on my ex, but I was. It was a side of Nicco I’d never seen before. He’d unleashed his darker urges, letting himself be free, and I realized that was what I found attractive. His authenticity.

I walked over to the wall where Sax was, and the instant I was in reach, he snatched his hand out, pulling me to him. He held me tight, pinching my arm some, but I took it, knowing he needed to feel me. I’d been hurt at first when he hadn’t shown any emotion, but I got it now. He couldn’t let himself yet, or he would’ve fallen apart, and he still had a job to do.

His hand smoothed down my hair, and I felt him breathe in my smell. His lips pressed into my scalp, and his body shuddered. When he released me, he spun me, pulling my back to him, not letting me go now I was here.

“Fine,” Brian hissed, his eyes glaring into me. “Some scary dude gave me half a million to walk into Loren’s office and keep her occupied. I didn’t know the gun was loaded. I didn’t want to kill her. That was an accident and all that brute’s fault for knocking it out of my hand.”

I stiffened, not liking where it was headed. The door opened again, and Atticus walked in with Monroe. Monroe ran over when he saw me, hugging both Sax and me, since the giant refused to let me go.

“You get a hug, too, then.” I chuckled, not minding the sandwich. Atticus walked over, impatiently waiting for Monroe to let me go.

“You already got to hold her. It’s my turn, goody-two-shoes.”

“Call me names all you want, boss man. I’ll still hold my girlfriend as long as I want.”

Atticus growled, and I smiled at him over Roe’s shoulder. I raised my non-injured arm, beckoning him. “There’s room, Attie.”

“Fucking disgusting,” Brian murmured before I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh. I didn’t have to look to know Nicco had hit him. Monroe stepped back, letting Atticus pull me from Sax. The big man growled, but let me go for Atticus. He held me close to him, kissing my cheek.

“I’m glad you’re okay, Bellezza.”

“The kids?” I asked. I trusted him to have taken care of them, but I still needed to know.

“Asleep. Jude’s been a worried mess. You might want to stop by his room and wake him when you get a chance.”

“Thank you.”

“Of course. We’re all family. There’s been a few things I need to discuss with you.” His eyes lifted above me to Sax. “Are we done here?” I didn’t hear Sax answer, but he must've responded enough for Attie to know, pulling me toward the door. “Wrap it up, Nicolai. It’s time we lay all the cards on the table.”

“Sure thing, big bro. Though, I was just starting to have fun.”

“It’s like he decided to go back through puberty,” Atticus muttered to me.

“I like it. He’s being his authentic self.” I giggled, feeling high on the relief of being in a room together.

Atticus rolled his eyes, but I think he agreed. He was just too keyed up at the moment. When I walked into the formal dining room, I was surprised to find Cami and Nat there. They both squealed, running to me. Atticus stopped them, pushing me behind him. “She was just shot! Caution.”

“Grazed,” I mumbled, not missing his narrowed eyes.

“Sorry, we just miss her,” Cami said, looking apologetic. Atticus relented, letting me move around him. They both smiled, coming over, but with less enthusiasm. They hugged me, being mindful of my sling, not that Atticus would’ve allowed them to hurt me.

“Oh my God, your hair! I love it,” I exclaimed, touching Cami’s now lighter locks. It was more strawberry blonde with highlights than the darker red it had been.

“Yeah, well, I needed a change. Nat did it. Isn’t it great?” she asked, but I caught some of the anxiety and realized it must’ve been needed to move past Darren. Giving them both one more hug, I moved to sit down.