I rolled my eyes. Someone was not having a good day. I skimmed through the rest, but nothing of importance. Deciding it was better to call, I hit the dial button for the overgrown lumberjack.

“I swear to God, if you don’t tell me what the fuck is going on, I’ll kill you myself and not even feel bad about it,” Sax growled into the phone. Oddly enough, as it sounded, it was the comfort I needed, to not be solely responsible in making decisions, and knowing that someone else cared about Loren as much as I did. It was the only reason I could think of for my response.

A sob broke free, and I sucked it in, trying to stop myself from falling over that edge of panic. It went quiet on the phone, and I took a second to gather myself.

“Is she…” he said, his voice small and quiet.

“No.” I sucked in another breath, wiping the few tears that had escaped. “He shot her, but she’s okay. But I… I was so scared. I’m sorry, our phones…”

I heard crashing in the background, and the sound helped ground me even more. I wasn’t alone in this. I hated to share the panic, but it felt nice to not be the only one having to solve the problem.

“And is he still alive?” he growled.

“He’s currently gagged and taped up in the back of the SUV.”

I heard him take a few deep breaths. “I need confirmation that Spitfire’s okay. I believe you, but I need to see her. The past few hours have been a shitshow. Daddy Mascro rose from the dead, and I thought….”

“You thought he went after Loren.”

“Yeah. When we didn’t hear back, I assumed the worst.”

“It felt like it when I got there and saw all the blood. We really need to have a talk about people getting shot. I can’t handle much more of it.”

“I’ll back you up. Thank you… thank you for taking care of her when we couldn’t.”

“I didn’t do much, but I did feel an odd sense of relief when I heard your concern. It wasn’t something I expected from this type of relationship, but I can’t say I hate it.”

“Well, yeah, same. Though, to be honest, it’s what the family was always supposed to be like. It’s just strayed so far from that, it no longer resembled a family.” He paused, taking another deep breath. “Meet us back at the hotel. Bring the dipshit with you. I think it’s time both of your exes leave this world. I’m done with their bullshit.”

“Okay, I’ll—”

“Jude,” Loren mumbled into the phone. She leaned against me, the phone perched between us, so I could still hear the conversation.

“Spitfire. Fuck.” A sharp inhale of breath was taken as we waited for him to get himself together. I understood, so I didn’t mind waiting. “Listen here, woman. You will go nowhere, do nothing, or speak to anyone else until you’re back in the suite. Do you understand? We have Jude and Imogen covered. Atticus was headed to New Horizons, but when he got to the office, there wasn’t anything but blood and an absence of you. I think the only reason there isn’t a slew of dead bodies currently is that he trusted you, so don’t mess it up. He’ll pick up the kids and will head to the suite. I’m on my way to grab the bitch. If you’re not back in the hotel in twenty minutes, then I’ll do something stupid. Just please…” he growled, but I could hear the panic. He wasn’t fairing well.

“All you had to say was you were getting Jude. I’m drugged up. I’m not going to try to run into danger. Geesh. I’m not some heroine in a romance novel running into danger every chance I get, needing you to save me.”

“And yet, danger keeps finding you.”

“Well, that’s different.” She sniffed, snuggling her head back down on my shoulder.

“Sure, Spitfire.” There was a pause again, a deep breath released before he spoke. “I love you, Loren. You’re my whole world, please be safe, or I’ll have to kill everyone to get to you, and that’s a lot of work and missed opportunities. So, think of all the other things you could be doing.”

She giggled, the sound soothing a part of me, and I sighed, tugging on her hand. “I’ll be safe. I love you, you big oaf.”

“Sweeter words have never been spoken. Put Golden boy on the phone.”

“I’m still here, you big lug.”

“Ah, look, we have our own pet names.” I rolled my eyes, but actually didn’t mind it. “Repeat anything you heard me say that was sweet, though, and I’ll make you think your name is Bertha. Understand?”

“Just pay me a dollar next time you see me, and we’ll call it a lawyer-client privilege.”

“That actually works? Shit. I’ll pay you a million.”

“You have that type of money?”

The phone was silent, and I could imagine him lifting his brow. “Never mind. We’re headed back, no detours. I will keep her safe and bring the douchebag.”

“Hope you feel like getting a little dirty.”

I laughed, but he hung up before I could say anything else. I took a picture of Loren asleep on my shoulder, kissing her forehead, and sent it to him for his visual.

He sent back a puking emoji, but it only made me laugh and hold her closer. This could’ve been so much worse, but it wasn’t. Threats kept coming at the people I loved, and it wasn’t from the mafia but our own lives; that was the ironic part of it. In fact, it was because of the mafia we were still alive. So, while the world might see them as the bad guys, I knew differently. To me, these men had become my family, and even more so, heroes.

I just wouldn’t tell Sax that. His head was already too big.