“Only the best,” she beamed.

“If you can make her shit for days before she dies, you’d be my hero,” Nicco added, understanding what I was getting at.

“Fine, she can help with the trash. Meet back at the rendezvous. I’m going to meet Topher and head to pick up the kids with Loren. We need to all be together. Text the boy next door to tell him to meet us there.”

“Now, I don’t want to take out the trash. I want to go with you to meet Spitfire,” I whined.

“Oof, Oscar, not a good look for you, man. Come on, I’ll be quick with my chemical formula, and then you can go and make goo-goo eyes at your sexy librarian.”

I lifted my eyebrow at the other two, but they didn’t do anything to help me. “Be good, Oscar,” Nicco said, chuckling.

“My name’s not fucking, Oscar.” I stomped out of the room, fully prepared to kill the bitch and then go fuck my woman. The brat had a good point, at least about that. Pulling out my phone, I almost dropped it when it rang.


“Her ex showed up, he had a gun…” he started, as panic filled my veins.

“Let me talk to her, now.” There was some rumbling before I heard breathing.

“Spitfire? Fucking answer me, dammit.”

“I’m here.”

“Fucking Hell. I was about to murder everyone around me on my way to you. Are you okay?” I sighed, rubbing my temple.

“I… I think so. There’s blood, but I don’t know where from.” Her voice sounded weak, almost like she was far off in the distance.

“Shit. Give the phone back to Topher.” The time it took for her to transfer the phone felt like eons.


“Go to Doc’s and then report back to the hotel. We’re under Rapunzel protocol.”



“Yes?” he asked, his voice a little shaky.

“If anything happens to her…”

I heard him swallow. “Got it.”

Hanging up, I sent off a text, needing to not focus on the fact my woman could be bleeding out at the moment, and sending up a prayer to whoever would listen that I’d get to hold her again. First, I needed to kill someone and make them pay for hurting her.