She shrugged, miming zipping her lips, before going back to the computer screen. I knew what she was doing, and I’d asked for it, but now I needed her to talk. Fuck! This woman was going to kill me. I calmed myself by taking a deep breath, remembering I got to leave.

“Atticus would like to know if you have an estimate?”

“Nope,” she sang, popping the p.

“Okay, well, the meeting is starting. He’s sending someone to switch with me. You’re to text him and me as soon as you get it. Understand?”

“Yep,” she said again in the same annoying way.

Holding my hands out in front of me, I pretended to strangle the air, wishing it was her in a way. Not really, but at the same time, I did want to shake her.

“I’d say it’s been a pleasure, Pixel, but that would be a lie.”

“Ah, and here I thought we were bonding, Oscar.” She pouted, sticking out her lip. Rolling my eyes, I turned, marching out of the room, deciding I’d prefer to stay outside the door until my replacement came.

Thankfully, a guard appeared within seconds of me leaving, and I gave him some brief instructions before booking it to the meeting room. We’d come to the warehouse, figuring it was the best place to be since we needed to gather everyone. The only thing I didn’t like was how far away we were from Spitfire. The warehouse was on the opposite side of town from her office, and if anything happened, it would take us too long to get to her. I knew she had Topher, and Beau was with the kids a few blocks over, but it made me uneasy being away. I’d liked having her with us. It felt right, and this, it just felt wrong.

When I walked into the open meeting room, I was surprised to find it only half full. I nodded to a few guys, making my way to the front with Atticus and Nicco. I could tell Mas was stressed, the look on his face one of paranoia and fear. He was starting to crack, his edges fraying as this ordeal with his father continued to lag. If we didn’t get those results today, I feared he’d completely lose it, and I didn’t know what that would mean for the family.

Atticus shifted his eyes to me, our silent communication from years of practice zinging between us. I subtly shook my head, and he nodded, understanding. I lifted an eyebrow and looked at the crowd, and he grimaced, the lack of family members not slipping his attention either. I wondered if the letter at Climax had anything to do with it. We’d found out later from one of the bartenders that all the staff had been sent a text stating that they were given the night off and to not return until the next day, as the club was undergoing new management.

Whether it was Darren or Dayton, it didn’t look good. However, if it was Darren, he had bigger balls than I thought after we’d cut him out of the crime scene. It was almost like he’d deliberately bated us to see if we’d follow through with our threat. Thankfully, Atticus didn’t play when it came to safety and had sent the information on. Darren would be the laughingstock of the community by this evening, and his misdeeds at the dock had been sent anonymously to our detective friend.

Darren was about to find himself so tied up in red tape from every direction, he wouldn’t be able to make a play at us. We’d taken his criminal empire, his family, and now his reputation. Darren was no more, and the Delgados were barely a blip on the radar.

Which meant, it was time to see if there was a bigger dog in the race—Dayton. It was time he stepped forward if he was indeed alive. Either way, the true boss behind the Delgados would be revealed.

Atticus had a plan, one we’d stayed up all night discussing, but it was solid and would work with only minimal casualties to ourselves. We just needed the proof first.

But looking around the room, I wondered if we already had our answer.

“Family, thank you for coming on short notice. Though, it seems not everyone was able to make it. They will be docked an extra 2% this month for their insubordination.” Murmurs went around, but no one dared say anything. “The reason I’ve asked everyone here is to discuss the direction of the family. It’s come to my attention that some rumblings are going around, and I want to dispel any misgiving you may have. This is your opportunity to bring forth any dissension you may feel.”

Atticus sat back, his chair almost like a throne, as he crossed his ankle over his knee and waited. It was quiet for a few minutes, everyone shifting on their feet. When someone stepped forward, it was as if all the air in the room left it.

“I’ve been hearing rumors that ‘The Reaper’ isn’t really dead and that you’re in violation of the code.”

“I assure you, I shot my father after he betrayed our family, selling us out to the Delgados and promising my underage sister as a bargaining chip. He was the one in violation. But to dispel these rumors, I have the bones left at the site, being tested to verify their authenticity. They should be completed any moment, and then we can put these rumors to rest.”

More mumblings went out through the crowd, and I shifted, not liking the energy on our own grounds. This felt more like a trial than a family meeting. It didn’t bode well for Mas. My pocket vibrated, and I pulled it out, exhaling as I saw the text from the Siren. Opening it, I blinked, not believing it. I glanced over at Atticus and Nicco. Both of their faces were ashen as they read the results.

100% match to Benny Mascro.

If the bones were Benny’s, then did that mean… a low chuckle caused shivers to travel up my spine, goosebumps dotting my skin as I searched the crowd that now seemed bigger, for the source. Where had all of these people come from? They weren’t here a moment ago. Atticus stood, having heard the same sound, scanning the area.

“Show yourself! Stop being a coward and step forward, Dayton. If you’re really alive, then prove it.”

The chuckle sounded again, this time from the other direction. “You finally figured it out, huh? I always thought you were more clever, but it seems I’d overestimated your intelligence. It’s been such an enjoyment playing with you these past few months.”

Dayton Mascro, The Grim Reaper himself, stepped out from behind some guards I didn’t recognize, looking very much alive.

“But I shot you…” Atticus trailed off, still trying to make sense of the fact his father was alive.

“You did.” He nodded, not denying Atticus’ memory of the night in question. “I didn’t think you had it in you, to be honest. I was proud of you, taking something for yourself for once. Until you mucked it up, that is. Then I couldn’t help but teach you a lesson.”

“But how?”

Dayton’s lips lifted, a cold sneer gracing his lips. “A conversation for another time. I’ve come to tell you that you’re no longer in charge. I gave you time to make a name for yourself, but you’ve only made our family a mockery. So, I’m taking it back, and combining it with the Delgado family like I’d originally planned. Though, I have to thank you for taking care of Darren. Now with him out of the way, it’s a prime opportunity to swoop in and lay claim to all of Chicago. So, thank you, son.”