“That’s where you’re wrong, Cami. I’m sorry, but it had everything to do with me. I don’t know what Darren told you, but you were a ploy.”

“I… well, um, I’ll let you know, okay. Tell Lor to be safe.”

She hung up, and I wondered if I’d said that too insensitively. I didn’t want to sugarcoat things for her, though, and Camila had always seemed to be tough as nails. Shaking my head, I ignored my awareness at the end, knowing now wasn’t the time to get sentimental, and looked back at the guys.

“It’s done. Now, we wait. Preferably, while we sleep.”

They both nodded, leaving, and I sat back, leaning my head against the headrest. I’d just shut my eyes for a second.

* * *

A loud ringingsound woke me, and I was startled, jumping awake, slamming my knee into the underside of my desk in the process.

“Fuck.” Picking up the phone, I muttered a few other expletives when I realized the person on the other end was laughing. “Who the fuck is this?” The laughter stopped, and a thick southern accent filled the line.

“My poor dear nephew, is that any way to greet your elder? Tsk tsk, and here I thought you needed our help. I would’ve assumed my dear sister taught you better manners, but since I haven’t heard from her in ages, I’m going to go with the assumption she’s dead. Now that the unpleasant business is out of the way, do I have your attention?”

I swallowed, my pulse racing. “Apologies, Aunt. I was just startled. Of course, my mother taught me manners, even if she is dead.”

“At least you’re not tiptoeing around it, boy. I admire that. I hear you’ve finally decided to look into us.”

“More like recently discovered.”

“Ah, and you thought, what better way to introduce myself to my family than by asking for help?”

“Well,” I sputtered. I was practically forty, and yet this woman had me feeling like a young schoolboy needing to bend over backward with every move I made. Taking a deep breath, I counted to twenty, and when I was still feeling out of sorts, I counted to twenty again. By the time I got to two hundred, my pulse was back to normal, and I was surprised to find she’d waited.

“Apologies, ma’am.”

“I see your mother did teach you something. Good. I’ll be sending your cousin to you. If you’re worthy, we’ll help, but if you’re not, then we’d like to sever all ties with the Mascros, and we’d like Camila to come and stay with us.”

My hand tensed against the chair, and I squeezed tight. “I accept whatever test you want to put me through, and I can guarantee you my family is worthy. But this is where I disagree with your request. Listen closely Aunt, who still hasn’t told me her name, I don’t bargain with my family's lives, nor do I make them stay somewhere they wish not to be. I’m bringing a new order to our city, and it starts with stopping Delgado. If you help us, then great. But if your cost is to make someone join you against their will, I cannot accept that. I am not my father. I am my own person, and you need to respect that. Do you understand, Aunt?”

“Very good, Atticus. I’ll be in touch.” She paused, almost like she was debating something. “And it’s Ophelia. You may call me Aunt Phea.” The phone clicked, and I sat, a little stunned, but hope filled me for the briefest seconds as I considered this might actually work out for us.

A knock at the door had me looking up to find Loren standing there. She instantly made me feel better. Loren walked in carrying a mug of coffee and a cellphone. She set the coffee down on the desk and handed me the phone, both without saying a word. I watched, always curious about what was going through her mind. She pushed my chair back slightly, climbing into my lap, and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Hi,” she finally said, looking up at me with her big brown eyes. She casually played with the hair at the base of my nape, her fingertips brushing over the skin softly. I leaned my forehead down, touching her temple.

“Bellezza, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

“Oh? Did you get any sleep at all?”

“A few hours. Not enough. It never feels like enough.”

“That sounds like you mean more than just sleep.” She was right, and I knew I shouldn’t burden her, but in this little cocoon, it felt safe and like maybe we could hide away from all of our problems.


“I’m scared and feel like I’m failing everyone.”

“It is scary, Attie. I think it’s smart to be afraid. It helps you not make impulsive decisions because you weigh the odds and understand the risks. Being afraid doesn’t make you weak; if anything, it makes you stronger. You carry so much on your shoulders, though. I think it’s time you let some of us help and utilize the family you have. You care so much about them; let them show you how much that means to them.”

“How did someone so smart, beautiful, and compassionate fall for someone so dangerous and messed up like me?” I looked up, cupping her face. “You make me want things I don’t feel I deserve, and you make me feel like I can have the life I felt was too out of reach. I worried it would make me weak, make me fall prey too easily. Sax was right, though. You strengthen us and glue us together. Nicco is a different person now. He’s more sure of himself and isn’t hiding things. Imogen is coming out of her shell. Sax talks on purpose and jokes with the other men. And while I don’t have the history with the other two, I know you’ve changed their lives too. I know you don’t believe me, but I hope someday you see the woman we’ve all fallen in love with and are willing to share just to be with you.”

She sucked in a breath, and I realized what I’d said. “Not just to be with you. I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Shut up, you stupid man. Somehow, I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”