The corner of my mouth lifted before I quickly dropped it. I shouldn’t be getting this much entertainment out of pushing her buttons, but I was. “It might be proper etiquette, Bellezza, but I never signed anything saying I wouldn’t look. And quite frankly, you are ignorant if you didn’t think I’d look into everything.”

Forks dropped around the table, clanking against plates as the other men scrambled to fight for her. Their complaints rang out, but it was all background noise as I stared off with the beauty. I saw her eyes flash at my use of the pet name, her cheeks heating in remembrance of our dalliance. I leaned on the table, taking a posture of nonchalance as I tilted my head in one hand.

“And since it seems you’re currently with, what? Three people around this table?” I stopped and pointed at Sax, Monroe, and Nicco, taking in their pissed expressions as I did, making my smirk grow at being the biggest dick in the room. They didn’t understand her the way I did. I understood that now. She wanted to be pushed, needed it in order to feel alive. I could see the darkness flashing in her eyes, her pupils dilating as I kept going. “I’m assuming it’s okay to discuss this openly?”

I watched as she switched legs, crossing her other one and taking more of a power pose as she braced herself against the chair as well. Her small hitch of breath had me curious, but I dropped it when she narrowed her eyes at me, the level of heat boiling at this point. If she hadn’t been involved with three men already and wasn’t Immy’s therapist, I’d be balls deep in her, the fire calling to me in a way I’d never felt before. I liked her submitting, bowing at my words, but this version had me willing to burn my entire empire to the ground just to feel her.


Sobering, I dropped my cold mask back into place, not even realizing it had slipped, letting my true nature shine through. She’d disarmed me so delicately, I hadn’t even noticed. Mrs. Carter’s eyes dimmed at my change, and I almost gave in again to bring it back. But I couldn’t. No one was worth losing everything for.

“If I didn’t want them here, they wouldn’t be. You can stop trying to put me on the spot or make me uncomfortable and deal with your own emotions, Atticus.”

My eye twitched at her bravado, wanting to fall back into her pull. “It’s cute you think you’re the one allowing them to be here.”

“Atticus!” Sax hissed, giving me a pointed look, fury on his face.

Rolling my eyes, I sighed, letting out a long breath. “Fine. Then you won’t mind if I start with Mr. Miller first.” I didn’t wait for her to answer but turned my attention to the human version of a golden retriever at the end of the table. Though, that wasn’t quite accurate. Monroe might look like the boy next door, but I’d uncovered an interesting past.

“I know you’ve been in contact with Mr. Hawthorne, but,” I paused, purposefully drawing out the information. “I think I have something that will be helpful in your proceedings, as well as being successful in obtaining an expedited court date for this Friday. Does that work for you?”

“Yes, thank you.” He observed me, not afraid of me, and I saw hints of the legendary Komodo he was rumored to be. “Can I ask who the judge is?”

“A new one who isn’t biased. I’m having Judge Buchanan looked into for negligence, bribery, and fraud. If there’s one thing I can’t stand for, it’s corrupt individuals who play with kids’ lives.”

“Wow, okay. Again, thank you,” he choked out, swallowing. I knew I could be cold, and as a mafia boss, most people would assume I was ruthless. But there were some people you didn’t touch, and kids were one of them. Using Levi as a pawn to gain the upper hand when it appeared Mr. Monroe was a good father had irritated me, and I’d gone even further than Loren had requested out of principle.

“Don’t thank me. Thank, Mrs. Carter. She was the one who negotiated for my help on the matter.” The words spilled from me, dismissing the credit. I didn’t want the gratitude when I hadn’t done much, nor did I want others to see me as soft. He needed to believe it was only because of Loren. He assented, his eyes shifting briefly to her.

“All the information I gathered is in a folder. You can verify if anything is overlapping or new with what you’ve already gathered.” I motioned to the guard, and he walked forward, handing the file to Mr. Miller. Monroe accepted it but didn’t open it, holding it in his lap. I assumed he already knew some of it and was curious if he would go down that path.

The man on paper appeared too squeaky clean to sully himself with such tactics. I didn’t take him for someone dirty or scheming, but his past had me pausing, unsure which path he would venture toward. Though, if Mrs. Carter had any influence over him as she had the others, then he’d be above board. The only curveball was it regarded his son, and if there was one thing that would make honorable men do desperate, unspeakable things, it was their children.

Slowly, I brought my gaze back to the woman I’d been physically forcing myself not to look at, Mrs. Carter. I expected her to be angry, fuming as I made her wait. But instead, I found her not even looking my way at all. Her plate was cleared, no evidence of her pie remained. All of her focus, though, was on Nicco as he leaned over, feeding her small bites of fluffy meringue and lemon, making me lick my lips. They looked comfortable and jealousy speared me as I watched, my purposeful power play earlier blowing up in my face. Clearing my throat, I gave Nicco a pointed look. The cheeky fucker turned slightly and locked eyes with me.

“Yes, Cous? Did you need something? Maybe some water for that scratchy throat of yours?” He turned fully, putting the fork down, but he didn’t take his hand off her leg. When I didn’t answer, sitting there clenching my jaw and staring threats into him, he had the nerve to lift an eyebrow, challenging me. “Your earlier comment made me think you weren’t taking Mrs. Carter seriously, and as your second, I had to make sure we were meeting her needs to fulfill the agreement you made for Immy.”

His comment hung in the air, everyone watching to see what I’d do at his open disrespect. My anger spiked, and I had to take a moment to calm myself. This wasn’t like me. I didn’t strike out against my own. Once I had my breathing slowed, I found myself able to respond.

“You seem to have confused being second and coming in second to Sax.” I regretted the words the moment they were out of my mouth, but there they were, my jealousy on full display. Sax merely chuckled next to me, shaking his head. He’d been quiet most of the night, only admonishing me or flirting with Mrs. Carter. He found it entertaining to watch me sink myself. Leaning forward, I tried to reign in the tense atmosphere and control.

“I need you to get in line, Nicco, and do the job you told me you’d do.”

Again, my voice came out caustic, his hackles rising at the accusation. Nicco leaned back, not liking the threat.

“Tell me, Cous, how am I not doing the job you wanted me to do? Last I checked, I was the one who’d made sacrifices for you.”

I clenched my jaw, not wanting to admit he was right and I was angry he’d been focusing on Mrs. Carter, lavishing her with attention when I couldn’t.

Because that was the absolute truth.

I could disguise it however I wanted, wrapping it up in a pretty lie, but a lie was a lie. It didn’t matter how deceptive it was. At the end of the day, it still wasn’t true.

Loren intrigued me. Hell, she enticed me, and I knew I could never have her.

I could take her like I’d envisioned earlier. I could take her for a night. I could even take her from the men she was already with. I could take all I wanted, but I would never have her.

Besides, that wasn’t me. Despite my bluster, I wanted my family to be happy, and I’d never take that from them if at all possible.