“I think I would die if he said he only saw me as a friend, though.”

“Yeah, it might be embarrassing, but you have to look at it and evaluate it for yourself. Is the embarrassment greater than the possibility of a relationship? And if so, don’t say anything. You’re not risking anything because the relationship isn’t as important. But if not being in a relationship, if not knowing how that person feels about you, or not having the opportunity to explore a relationship is worth more than possible embarrassment, well, then you know it’s just a small price to pay. Consider which one would feel worse. Not having him or being embarrassed if he said no.”

Imogen considered it, chewing her lip as she thought it over. “I guess that makes sense,” she sighed, not thrilled with the realization she’d have to be vulnerable. Patting her hand, I tried to instill some strength in her.

“It’s hard being the one to bring it up, but it does improve things relationship-wise when you do. And I always say, if you can’t talk about the hard stuff, it’s not someone you want to be in a relationship with anyway.”

“Yeah, that’s fair. Booyyssss,” she groaned, throwing her head back in a laugh.

“Don’t I know it!”

“Yes! Let’s talk about you now,” she said, instantly sitting up, turning her eyes toward me.

“Um, I thought we already had Loren time. This is Imogen time now.”

“Don’t think I missed the fact you have three boyfriends currently.” She eyed me, watching for me to crack.

“Hmm.” I grinned, holding in my words, rolling my lip into my mouth.

“Yeah, ‘hmm’ all you want, Missus, I’m on to you!” She smiled, letting me know she was joking, and I relaxed. I found myself taking a deep breath, weighing my words as I tried to figure out the best way to describe my situation without it sounding like I was using her cousin.

“I’m… just trying to figure things out. I’m open with them on who I’m seeing, so we’re all just exploring together.”

“I think it’s great. You deserve all the happiness, Loren.”

“Yeah?” I was surprised by her response.


“Thanks, girl. Now,” switching topics while I could, I focused back on her. “What can our next prank on Jude be?”

Giggling, we put our heads together as we talked about possible ideas. Before I knew it, a guard knocked on the door, letting us know it was time for dinner. Walking arm in arm, we headed toward the elevator together. Imogen had a massive smile on her face, and I found myself with one too—a real one. I was glad I’d had this opportunity to be in her life again. She had become vital to me, and I think she was going to be important to Jude. It was a relationship I wanted to have with both of them.

The guard was quiet in the elevator, staring straight ahead as we rode. Imogen and I attempted to make faces at him, but he didn’t budge. Which only meant we were laughing harder as we stepped off the elevator. We walked into the room to six guys standing behind chairs, waiting for us. Our laughter halted as I noticed them, my face heating as I took in the other men and Jude. Imogen was quiet next to me as she eyed the man she didn’t know, so I took the lead.

“Hey.” Wow, Loren, excellent conversational skills you have there, I scolded myself, face flaming even more.

Sax smirked, and I could only imagine what he was thinking. Shifting my legs, my dress rubbed against me, reminding me I didn’t have on any underwear. I took in all the men regarding me, and I found myself curious about what they were thinking. Wells and Monroe stood next to one another, with Jude at the end. Sax and Atticus were near the head of the table, with Nicco between the two groups. My face continued to heat the longer we stood there, all the attention on me with no one saying anything, just staring.

Imogen pulled my arm, and I leaned down so she could whisper in my ear. “I take it back. I’d say you have five men interested in you.”

Giving her a look, I rolled my eyes. “I think your tutor needs to work with you on math because I know you’re not counting your brother in that number.”

She shook her head, grinning wide, and I saw how beautiful she was when she was this carefree. “We’ll see who’s right.”

Ignoring her comment, I found myself walking toward the long table. It was a dark cherry wood, and the surface shone under the lights. It was set for eight people, with four place settings on each side. Taking the empty seat I was directed to, I looked around the table. I was across from Sax, putting Nicco on my right side and Wells on the left. Monroe was next to Wells with Jude across from him. Imogen sat in the last empty spot between Jude and Sax. As soon as she was seated, the car magic I often wondered about transformed into kitchen magic, and the door instantly opened. Waiters carrying trays of food exited and sat them down on a sideboard along the wall. I was surprised when Wells leaned close, whispering something in my ear.

“Every time I eat here, I feel like I’m in Beauty and the Beast. I’m just waiting for them to break out in song and dance.”

Snorting, I quickly covered my mouth, trying to tamp down my laughter. I hadn’t expected Wells to be funny. Nicco leaned over, his breath skipping across me, causing goosebumps to rise.

“Beautiful, you look ravishing. I’d much rather have you for my main course.”

His words had my laughter drying as I tried to remember to breathe. I could not be getting turned on in a room full of people that included two teenagers. Nope. Thankfully, a plate was placed in front of me, and a lid lifted off. The most wonderful smells emitted from it, causing me to groan at it.

“Mm, this smells amazing.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Carter. Shall we eat before we discuss business?”